FSA COVID-19 UPDATE: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
As part of the Florida Sheriffs Association’s ongoing efforts during this unprecedented time, we are keeping you informed with weekly messages. As the situation in Florida changes daily, FSA and the sheriffs continue coordinating on COVID-19. The sheriffs' ultimate priority is the safety of our citizens.
FSA Remembers
Please take a moment of silence to remember our two fallen heroes due to COVID-19. Our hearts are heavy along with Broward County Sheriff’s Office and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office as we honor Deputy Shannon Bennett with BCSO and Sergeant Jose Diaz Ayala with PBSO. These are the first, and hopefully last, line-of-duty deaths from COVID-19. Please keep these deputies and their families in your thoughts and prayers. We are grateful to all our first responders here in Florida. May God continue to bless and watch over them. FSA Law Enforcement Memorial
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Last week, FSA and the General Counsel, Wayne Evans, hosted a webinar to provide information on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) to all sheriffs. A second more in depth review with sheriffs’ legal advisors was conducted later in the week. These webinars were designed to help sheriffs understand the provisions of the Act and its impact on their office as they prepare the public safety response to COVID in their communities.
Law enforcement personnel are essential to the response in an emergency, including public health emergencies. The Act and implementing language by the Department of Labor gives flexibility to sheriffs to determine how these new sick leave benefits and expanded FMLA fit within their community.

Click here for direct access to the Florida Department of Health’s site on COVID-19.
Click here for direct access to the CDC page.
You can find the most up to date information about Florida’s sheriffs at flsheriffs.org.