how we serve
The purpose of the Wanted and Available Property Program is to allow sheriffs’ offices to assist one another by sharing available assets among agencies. Through this innovative program, the Florida Sheriffs Association provides a network for sheriffs’ offices to obtain good, used equipment at low or no cost. FSA manages both the need and available equipment by focusing on communication and management. When the needs and available equipment match, that is when both sides can benefit, and Florida Sheriffs Association does its best to present those opportunities.
The program has become a way for sheriffs’ offices to share unneeded equipment, including vehicles, by donating it from one agency to another, or in some cases, several others. Any equipment that one agency doesn’t need may be exactly what another agency is looking for. FSA’s Wanted and Available Property Program is a unique way for sheriffs’ offices to assist fellow agencies by sharing equipment that might otherwise be sold for pennies on the dollar.
If you are a member of a sheriffs office and are interested in adding items to the Wanted and Available Property listing on behalf of your agency, would like to see a copy of the listing to know what is available or would like to join the community of sheriffs’ office personnel who receive real time notifications of updates to the listing, please contact Jan Raymond with the Florida Sheriffs Association.