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Public Safety Tips
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Public Safety Tip: How to Prevent Phone Theft
February 04, 2025
Cell phones have become a significant part of our lives, holding so much of our personal information. They often store sensitive information such as financial details, full names, phone numbers,...
Public Safety Tip: Running Safety Tips for New and Seasoned Runners
January 10, 2025
As the new year begins, many fitness enthusiasts are lacing up their running shoes with resolutions to get fit, stay healthy and embrace an active lifestyle. Running is an excellent...
Public Safety Tip: Firearm Safety for Families
December 13, 2024
Responsible firearm ownership is crucial for ensuring the safety of Florida’s families. With a few simple precautions, we can prevent accidents, reduce risks and promote a secure environment. Whether you're...
Public Safety Tip: Holiday Travel Safety for Families
November 11, 2024
Planning to hit the road or catch a flight this holiday season? Whether you're heading over the river and through the woods to see grandma or embarking on a bigger...
Public Safety Tip: Halloween Safety Tips for Your Family
October 06, 2024
Halloween is one of the most anticipated nights of the year for both kids and adults—but it also comes with an increased risk of accidents and injuries. According to statistics...
Public Safety Tip: Missing Children Prevention Tips
September 09, 2024
Missing child prevention begins with child safety discussions and plans. Although child abductions are rare, children can get lost or go missing for many reasons. Here are ways to help...
Public Safety Tip: Domestic Violence Prevention
July 25, 2024
How pervasive is domestic violence in Florida? According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 38 percent of Florida women and 29 percent of Florida men experience intimate partner dating...
Public Safety Tip: Water Safety and Essential Summer Reminders
June 20, 2024
As summer heats up in Florida, it's crucial to prioritize heat, sun and water safety to enjoy the season to its fullest. Whether you’re a longtime Florida resident or a...
Public Safety Tip: Increase Home Security with The 9 p.m. Routine
May 10, 2024
Sometimes, nationwide efforts begin at home, especially in the case of home security. The nightly social media reminders for the 9 p.m. routine started with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office...
Public Safety Tip: Your Hurricane Checklist
April 30, 2024
As summer approaches, so does the annual arrival of hurricane season, observed from June 1 to November 30. While this time of year can bring anxiety for Florida residents, many...
Public Safety Tip: Firework Safety 101
April 19, 2024
Fireworks are fun, exciting – and potentially dangerous. A little neighborhood fun can quickly turn into a significant safety hazard if you don’t follow instructions and use proper caution. It’s...
Public Safety Tip: How to Create an Evacuation Plan
March 01, 2024
Download the PDF In the event of an emergency, do you have a plan? Creating an emergency evacuation plan ensures you and your loved ones are prepared in the event...
Public Safety Tip: How to Report a Crime in Florida
February 18, 2024
Download the PDF A person witnessing an emergency and calling 9-1-1 is something you see all the time in the movies – but what happens when you see a crime...
Public Safety Tip: Fire Safety for the Holidays
December 01, 2023
When you think about chestnuts roasting on an open fire, you probably don’t think “fire hazard.” But unfortunately, fire can be a very real danger during the holidays. According to...
Public Safety Tip: Spotting Fake Charities and Donation Scams
November 02, 2023
Many charities rely on end-of-year giving to fund their budgets and support their goals for the upcoming year. Unfortunately, this time also attracts scammers who are looking to exploit your...
Public Safety Tip: How to Prevent Identity Theft
October 02, 2023
When a criminal steals your personal information, they can use it to drain your bank account, damage your credit and wreak havoc on your life. And the worst part is,...
Public Safety Tip: How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud with Contactless Payment
August 16, 2023
Have you ever been the victim of credit card fraud? In 2022, 44 percent of credit card users in the U.S. reported having two or more fraudulent charges on their...
Public Safety Tip: What You Need to Know About Rapid DNA
June 23, 2023
Every day, DNA technology is used by law enforcement agencies to identify suspects, investigate crimes and bring justice for victims and their families. Unfortunately, resources and an administrative backlog of...
Public Safety Tip: How to Spot a Gas Pump Skimmer
April 19, 2023
Swiping your credit card at a gas station is an easy, every day task for many consumers – but when it comes to keeping your information safe, it’s something you...
Stay Safe with These Parking Lot Safety Tips
March 17, 2023
When it comes to safety, parking lots can be an unexpected danger for both drivers and for pedestrians. That’s because, unlike in many locations, cars and people are sharing the...
Public Safety Tip: Human Trafficking Safety Information
February 24, 2023
Human trafficking is an urgent issue in the United States and beyond but it is tragically one that is often difficult to recognize. Knowing the truth about this crime is...
Public Safety Tip: The Truth About Impaired Driving
December 18, 2022
December is National Drunk and Impaired Driving Month. In the United States, a person dies of a drunk driving accident every 45 minutes. All of these tragic accidents are preventable,...
Emergency Phone Alerts: What You Need to Know
November 20, 2022
If you own a cell phone and live in Florida, you’ve probably received an AMBER Alert. The FDLE sends emergency phone alerts to Florida’s citizens though the Emergency Alert System,...
How to Stay Safe When Using DIY Home Security
October 24, 2022
If you don’t use a smart security system at home, you probably know someone who does. These systems are quick to install, easy to use and can make many people...
How to Avoid Vehicle Theft
October 04, 2022
Thieves look for easy targets, and an unlocked car is just about as easy as it gets. In the United States, a vehicle is stolen every 39 seconds, and valuable...
How to Prepare for Hurricane Season in Florida
June 16, 2022
Hurricane season began on June 1. Are you prepared? While it’s impossible to know what hurricane season will bring each year, we do know which supplies are vital to have...
Bicycle Safety Tips: What You Need to Know
May 19, 2022
Many visitors and residents in Florida enjoy bicycling across their neighborhoods and communities. In fact, according to the League of American Bicyclists, Florida ranked in the top 16% of bicycle...
3 Simple Ways to Avoid Distracted Driving
April 19, 2022
Eight people are killed and 49 people are injured on Florida’s roads every day. While some of these crashes are unavoidable or are caused by impaired drivers, many are caused...
7 Safety Tips for Spring Break in Florida
March 16, 2022
Florida is a great place to spend spring break, from its warm sunny weather to beautiful beaches and interesting people. Like many places, however, it can be incredibly crowded during...
How to Recognize the Signs of Human Trafficking
February 17, 2022
Human trafficking is a crime that is often difficult to identify, which is why it’s important to know the warning signs and learn what you can do to prevent it.
IRS Scams
January 14, 2022
The first quarter of a year typically has a heavy focus on tax season. This also means that tax scams impersonating the IRS will begin to increase. These scams lead...
Safeguarding Your Home
December 16, 2021
Millions of us travel to visit family and friends for the holiday season, and this creates prime season for thieves to start casing houses. Burglaries can occur randomly, but many...
Holiday Shopping Cybercrime Tips
November 09, 2021
According to eMarketer, the 2021 holiday shopping forecast predicts to see over $1 trillion dollars in retail spending with an 11.3% increase in online sales. Criminals are also mindful to...
Four Tips to Avoid a Phishing Con When Ordering Takeout
September 27, 2021
$54 million and 241,342 complaints. Those are the reported amounts that phishing scams claimed in 2020, according to the FBI. One of the most currently active phishing scams is centered...
Tips and Signs to Avoid a Malware Attack
August 30, 2021
With the increased amount of mobile financial transactions, including mobile payment apps, downloading a malware attack is becoming more common. The following tips will help you avoid mobile malware attacks.
How to Prepare for Back-to-School Safety
August 12, 2021
Although safety on school grounds is ultimately the responsibility of the school staff, parents can take a few simple steps to ensure a safe school experience for their children.
How to Protect Your Child from Cyberbullying
June 04, 2021
Cyberbullying often occurs when a child uses the internet, emails, text messages, social media websites, chat rooms or other digital technology to harass, threaten or humiliate another child. Learn how...
How to Safely Prepare for Vacation
June 04, 2021
As school comes to a close, often times families begin to think about summer vacation. Planning for a summer trip can be an exciting time. It’s important to remember to...
How to Protect Yourself and your Family from COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
March 18, 2021
The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination is known to be one of the largest mass vaccination efforts in recent history. As our efforts continue to defeat the coronavirus, imposters continue...
How to Protect Yourself from IRS Scams
March 11, 2021
Thousands of citizens have lost millions of dollars and had their personal information stolen because of tax scams. Due to COVID-19, the number of individuals impacted by these scams has...
How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
February 04, 2021
As COVID-19 vaccine distributions progress, agencies continue to receive complaints from the public of scammers successfully finding ways to obtain money and Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Unfortunately, many have fallen...
How to Travel Safely in Inclement Weather
January 28, 2021
Traveling is a part of our everyday lives, but sometimes we may get caught in inclement weather. Driving through bad storms can be dangerous for us and other drivers around...
Avoid Christmas Tree Safety Hazards During the Holidays
December 15, 2020
Christmas is a special and joyful time of year. Many love to decorate and make their homes feel festive, but there are important things to keep in mind while preparing...
How to Protect Yourself While Shopping or Donating Online
December 03, 2020
With COVID-19, there will be more online shopping this year than ever before. There are many benefits to the convenience of online shopping, but there are also important things that...
How To Protect Yourself While Holiday Shopping
November 25, 2020
This holiday season is a time when people rush to the stores and the internet to shop for family members, loved ones and friends. For many, seeing the smile on...
Beware of Charitable Solicitations by Phone: Give Wisely
November 02, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association advises members to be aware of telemarketers soliciting donations by phone.
How to Have A Safe Halloween
October 29, 2020
Halloween is a favorite holiday for many and a fun time for kids. It’s important to remember to stay safe while still having fun. Here are some tips from a...
Be Cyber Smart: Prevent Phishing with these Tips
October 28, 2020
October is National Security Awareness Month. One of the most common forms of cyber attacks is phishing. Phishing attacks use email or malicious websites to infect your machine with malware...
How To Prevent Crimes During Hurricane Season
September 01, 2020
With hurricane season already in progress, storm preparation is a major priority for many. While most people have an idea what to gather in preparation for the intense weather (extra...
How to Keep Your Children Safe During the Summer
July 10, 2020
Planning ahead for summer break is key to having a safe summer. If your child will attend a summer camp, be sure to ask questions that will ensure your child’s...
Safeguarding Your Home While on Vacation
July 08, 2020
The majority of residential break-ins occur during the prime vacation months of July and August. Getting a call from a neighbor, friend or law enforcement to inform you that your...
How to Travel Safely During Summer Vacations
June 30, 2020
Whether you are going away for only a couple of days or a few months, you should prepare in advance and consider all traveling conditions to ensure a safe trip
How to Protect Yourself When Walking Alone
June 30, 2020
Walking alone on the street can be a dangerous thing, especially in an unfamiliar neighborhood.
How to Prevent a Home Burglary
June 25, 2020
Somewhere in the U.S. there's a home burglary committed every 13-15 seconds. Learn how to prevent this common crime.
How to Have a Safe Independence Day
June 18, 2020
Every year on July 4th, families and friends get together to watch beautiful, amazing fireworks illuminate the sky. While the vibrant event brings joy and excitement to many, the U.S....
How To Prevent Gas Station Theft
June 05, 2020
According to the National Crime Prevention Council, there has been an increase in reports of theft at gas stations around the country. While customers are at gas stations, many leave...
How to Keep Your Child Safe While Swimming
June 04, 2020
Did you know that Florida loses more children under the age of five each year to drowning than any other state? This summer especially, with heat indexes on the rise...
Preventing Theft with the 9 p.m. Routine
May 15, 2020
Theft across the U.S. is on the rise. Awareness is key to avoiding victimization. FSA along with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office want to educate you on the 9 p.m....
How to Prevent a Carjacking
May 14, 2020
Carjacking has become a common crime across the nation with the Department of Justice reporting nearly 49,000 incidents a year. Learn how to protect yourself from this crime.
Preventing Cell Phone Theft
May 01, 2020
When devices are stolen, identity theft becomes a major concern, as personal information is often stored in cell phone devices.
How to Protect Yourself While Walking through a Parking Lot
April 15, 2020
Being aware of your surroundings decreases your chances of becoming a victim.
How to Protect Yourself While Using an ATM
March 15, 2020
Every day, millions of people use ATM machines primarily because of the convenience. However, it is important for you to remain cautious and aware of your surroundings and safety when...
How to Identify and Report Possible Domestic Violence
October 26, 2019
October is domestic violence awareness month. During this time, we recognize those who have been victims of this crime and we look at how we can prevent these injustices in...
Keep Your Home Safe While Traveling this Holiday Season
December 10, 2018
With the holiday season approaching, AAA Travel projects about 46.3 million Americans will leave their homes unoccupied, the highest volume for the holiday since 2007.
How to Be Safe While Using Ride-Hailing Services
December 03, 2018
Ride-hailing services, which provide transportation from an unlicensed taxi service (i.e., Uber or Lyft), have become popular in the last five years. Typically, individuals reserve a ride from a private...
How to Have a Safe College Night Out
November 26, 2018
Entering a college lifestyle for the first time is an exciting and memorable chapter for anyone. It is a period where you will meet many people and experience various new...
How to Prevent Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assualt
May 31, 2018
Not only are one in five college-aged females are affected by sexual assault, but rape and sexual assault rates are about 10 percent higher in the summer (U.S. Department of...
How to Prevent Tax-Refund Identity Theft
December 29, 2017
Florida, with its large population of elderly residents and healthcare facilities, leads the nation in identity theft-related income tax fraud. Learn how to protect yourself.
How to Recognize Victims of Human Trafficking
November 30, 2017
Victims of human trafficking may range from the ages of nine years old and up, sometimes younger.
How to Be Safe on the Road While Traveling
November 29, 2017
The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office provides the following tips for travel safety.
FSA Blog
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Keep Kids Safe Series: Camping Safety Tips
February 13, 2025
Florida, with its beautiful scenery and thousands of camping sites, is an ideal place to vacation with family. Camping offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, bond with...
The Florida Human Trafficking Victims Fund
February 11, 2025
Most people aren’t aware that Florida is ground zero for human trafficking. The Florida Human Trafficking Victims Fund was created for law enforcement to help identify, rescue and stabilize victims...
Public Safety Tip: How to Prevent Phone Theft
February 04, 2025
Cell phones have become a significant part of our lives, holding so much of our personal information. They often store sensitive information such as financial details, full names, phone numbers,...
Keep Kids Safe Series: A Parent’s Guide to Online Safety for Teens
January 10, 2025
Today's teens have grown up on the internet, and it is tied into everything they do. Discover how parents can ensure the online safety of teens by staying informed about...
Public Safety Tip: Running Safety Tips for New and Seasoned Runners
January 10, 2025
As the new year begins, many fitness enthusiasts are lacing up their running shoes with resolutions to get fit, stay healthy and embrace an active lifestyle. Running is an excellent...
Edgar J. Watson: Serial Killer or Florida Myth?
December 13, 2024
Florida has an interesting and colorful history. With St. Augustine being the oldest city in the United States, Florida has been occupied by the English, Spanish, French and Confederacy. It’s...
Public Safety Tip: Firearm Safety for Families
December 13, 2024
Responsible firearm ownership is crucial for ensuring the safety of Florida’s families. With a few simple precautions, we can prevent accidents, reduce risks and promote a secure environment. Whether you're...
FSA Supports Sheriffs’ Efforts to Solve Florida Cold Cases
November 19, 2024
Florida has a population of 22 million residents and welcomed more than 137 million visitors last year. And although the overall crime rate has dropped for an incredible 50 straight...
Keep Kids Safe Series: Safety Tips for Traveling with Kids
November 12, 2024
Traveling with kids can be both challenging and rewarding. With all the logistics that parents are juggling, safety can sometimes slip through the cracks. Whether on the road, in a...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Key West’s Critical Role
November 11, 2024
When people think of Key West, images of beaches, sailboats, and a party atmosphere come to mind. However, for 13 days in October 1962, Key West was ground zero for...
How School Resource Officers Keep Our Schools Safe
November 11, 2024
The role of school resource officers includes law enforcement, crime prevention, crisis intervention and student counseling. The school resource officer program was launched in 2018 by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis...
Keep Kids Safe Series: Essential School Safety Tips
October 06, 2024
One of the most critical responsibilities that parents, educators and law enforcement officers share is creating a learning environment that prioritizes school safety. Every parent deserves to know that when...
New Florida Laws that Go into Effect October 1, 2024
September 25, 2024
Lawmakers have passed a series of new Florida laws with October 1, 2024 effective dates. Here's what this means for the citizens of Florida, including a summary of each bill...
Meet the New FSA President, Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell
September 17, 2024
At the recent Florida Sheriffs Association Summer Conference, FSA Deputy Executive Director of Operations Matt Dunagan sat down with new FSA president, Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell. The two discussed...
What You Missed at the Sheriffs 2024 Summer Conference
August 30, 2024
The Sheriffs 2024 Summer Conference allowed Florida’s sheriffs, their staffs and representatives from the state’s top law-enforcement agencies to share best practices, receive important legal and legislative updates and recognize...
The Bay of Pigs Invasion: Florida’s Role in the CIA Operation
August 08, 2024
Cuba, with a rich history of exploitation and revolution, sits just 90 miles off the coast of Florida. Known for fruit and sugar cane harvesting, it had also become a...
Keep Kids Safe Series: Large Venues Create Challenges for Child Safety
July 25, 2024
Child safety is a top priority, but the challenges increase at parks, malls and events where distractions are abundant and crowds are dense. Here are some practical child safety tips...
911 Dispatcher: The Calm Voice in Moments of Crisis
June 20, 2024
No day is the same for a 911 dispatcher in a Florida sheriff’s office. Dispatchers serve as the frontline responders, handling emergency calls and coordinating critical services. Dispatchers provide essential...
Law Enforcement Families Can Offset Expenses with Scholarships for College
May 23, 2024
With the cost of education continually increasing, it is more important than ever for law enforcement families to identify scholarships for college. When you are searching for scholarships for your...
Remembering Ted Bundy and the Chi Omega Murders
May 15, 2024
In January 1978, evil visited Tallahassee in the form of a psychopathic stalker who was later identified as one of the most vicious serial killers in modern history.
Public Safety Tip: Increase Home Security with The 9 p.m. Routine
May 10, 2024
Sometimes, nationwide efforts begin at home, especially in the case of home security. The nightly social media reminders for the 9 p.m. routine started with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office...
Mexican Drug Cartels: What They Mean to Florida
May 01, 2024
While most people haven’t a clue, Mexican Drug Cartels have established a presence throughout much of Florida. This presence brings with it harmful substances that affect many families, along with...
The Role of a K-9 Unit
April 15, 2024
K-9 units are an essential part of many law enforcement agencies, including Florida’s sheriffs’ offices. As part of the team, these trained dogs are incredible assets with a variety of...
FSA’s Legislative Recap: 2024 Session
March 29, 2024
One of the Florida Sheriffs Association’s primary roles and responsibilities is to support and monitor legislation that ensures public safety in Florida. Both during the legislative session and throughout the year,...
The White Shadow: Tampa’s Bolita Kingpin
February 29, 2024
By David Brand Law Enforcement Coordinator, Florida Sheriffs Association During the 1920s, ‘30s, and ‘40s Charlie Wall was the undisputed king of organized crime in Tampa’s Ybor City. Known by the Latin...
What You Missed at the Sheriffs 2024 Winter Conference
February 29, 2024
Every year, the Florida Sheriffs Association hosts two widely attended sheriffs’ conferences. This year’s first event, the Sheriffs 2024 Winter Conference, was held on January 28-31 at the Sandestin Golf...
Public Safety Tip: How to Report a Crime in Florida
February 18, 2024
Download the PDF A person witnessing an emergency and calling 9-1-1 is something you see all the time in the movies – but what happens when you see a crime...
Preparing Teen Drivers to Be Safe on the Road: Tips for Parents
January 15, 2024
Having a new teen driver in the family is a big deal – for both the child and the parent. It’s an exciting step, but one that can cause anxiety...
What You Missed at the 2023 Executive Leadership Conference and Fleet Exposition
January 03, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association is proud to host annual events that provide a venue for training, sharing, and learning. Each event is specifically designed to gather a targeted audience of...
Sheriffs Back to Work with Early Florida Legislative Session
December 29, 2023
Two hundred fifty days. That is how long it will have been between closing the books on the 2023 legislative session and the first day of the 2024 legislative session...
Law Enforcement Mental Health Resources: You Are Not Alone
November 30, 2023
If you are a law enforcement officer struggling with your mental health, you are not alone. Many law enforcement officers, including sheriff's deputies, work irregular hours, including night shifts and...
The Blue Sink Murders: The Strange Story of Robert Scott Sanders
November 06, 2023
On the morning of October 18, 1967, Tallahassee awoke to the news of a second, multiple-person slaying, just four days short of a year from the last killings. This marked...
Public Safety Tip: Spotting Fake Charities and Donation Scams
November 02, 2023
Many charities rely on end-of-year giving to fund their budgets and support their goals for the upcoming year. Unfortunately, this time also attracts scammers who are looking to exploit your...
Hurricane Idalia: The Response by the Florida Sheriffs Association Task Force
October 25, 2023
Hurricane Idalia, a powerful and destructive storm, struck Florida’s Big Bend on August 30, 2023, affecting several counties in North Florida. The hurricane's path and intensity left a trail of...
Program Spotlight: The Commanders Academy
October 20, 2023
Florida is home to some of the finest and well-trained law-enforcement leaders in the country – and that doesn’t happen by accident. Through ongoing training, support, and cutting-edge research, the...
Meet the New FSA President, Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper
September 07, 2023
At the recent Florida Sheriffs Association Summer Conference, FSA Deputy Executive Director of Operations Matt Dunagan sat down with new FSA President, Nassau County Sheriff Leeper. Here is the first...
What You Missed at the Florida Sheriffs Association 2023 Summer Conference
August 31, 2023
Every year, the Florida Sheriffs Association is the host of two highly attended sheriffs’ conferences. Most recently, the Sheriffs 2023 Summer Conference was held July 23-26 at the JW Marriot...
Law Enforcement Grants Support Community Safety
August 01, 2023
Every day, brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect our communities. We want to ensure they have the resources, training and education they need to...
Crisis at our Borders: A Story of Dilemmas
July 18, 2023
Immigration is part of the American experience, built our great country, and allows us to thrive. However, unlawful border crossings threaten the sovereignty of the United States.
Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches: Changing Lives for Generations
June 30, 2023
Every success story has a beginning, and for many transformed lives, that beginning can be traced back to Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches. Through its unwavering commitment and tireless efforts, this organization...
Sheriff Bob Baker and the Ashley Gang
June 01, 2023
In the early 1900s Florida, father and son sheriffs chased a gang of bootleggers, robbers, and murderers from deep in the Everglades to what would later become known as the...
2023 FSA Memorial Honors the Fallen
May 30, 2023
During its 2023 FSA Memorial ceremony, the Florida Sheriffs Association honored the fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty
How to Celebrate National Police Week
May 19, 2023
Behind the badges and uniforms, there are individuals who bravely serve and protect our communities every single day. One week is set aside each year to show them how much...
What You Missed: Sheriffs Day at the Capitol 2023
May 01, 2023
Each year, Florida’s sheriffs gather at the state Capitol to serve as public safety subject matter experts for state legislators and to advocate for legislation that will continue leading to...
FSA Program Assists with Agency Accreditation
April 07, 2023
Every day, the FSA strives to foster the effectiveness of the Office of Sheriff through leadership, innovative practices, legislative initiatives, education and training. Accreditation, a process and standard which encourages...
When Franklin County Went to War
April 03, 2023
Many of the American soldiers who went ashore in France on D-Day, a scene graphically and brutally depicted in the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” were trained at Camp Gordon Johnston...
Murder in Macclenny
March 24, 2023
On August 1, 2022, the residents of Macclenny, Florida woke up to a grisly double homicide in their small, tight-knit community. Rumors immediately spread speculating everything from serial killers to...
What You Missed at the Sheriffs 2023 Winter Conference
March 08, 2023
Every year, the Florida Sheriffs Association is the host of two widely attended sheriffs’ conferences. This year’s first event, the Sheriffs 2023 Winter Conference, was held on January 22-25 at...
3 Benefits of Law Enforcement Careers in Florida
February 07, 2023
As a career path, working in law enforcement is highly active, often exciting and always changing. And now, because of new benefits and incentives, Florida is one of the best...
Legislative Action Tips: How to Get Involved
January 31, 2023
Getting involved in the legislative process can feel overwhelming – but it’s important. The issues being discussed within the legislature aren’t just theoretical, after all. They affect you, your family...
The Longest Shootout
January 17, 2023
On January 16, 1935, FBI agents engaged in an epic six-hour gunfight with Kate “Ma” Barker and her son Fred in tiny Ocklawaha, Florida, effectively ending the criminal reign of...
Heroes Helping Heroes Rebuild through Hurricane Relief Funds
December 30, 2022
If we have learned one thing over the last several years, it is that when the unexpected comes along, it’s important to know who you can count on. Since the...
What You Missed at the 2022 Executive Leadership Conference and Fleet Exposition
November 30, 2022
A large part of the mission of the Florida Sheriffs Association is to host annual events that provide a venue for training, sharing and learning. Each event is specifically designed...
The History of Florida Sheriffs: 5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Sheriff History
October 31, 2022
Every day, your local sheriff and sheriff’s deputies work to keep your community safe. Since the beginning of Florida’s history, these men and women have played an important role in...
It’s Not Just About Oranges: Agricultural Law Enforcement in Florida
October 10, 2022
When tourists think about Florida, two images usually come to mind: beaches and oranges. However, our residents know there is far more to Florida agriculture than oranges and these resources...
How to Become a Sheriff’s Deputy in Florida
October 09, 2022
Imagine a career that allows you to build relationships, protect the residents of your county and gain valuable skills. Through training, new challenges and meaningful work, you grow into the...
Meet the New FSA President: Sheriff Al Nienhuis
August 31, 2022
At the recent Florida Sheriffs Association Summer Conference, Deputy Executive Director of Operations Matt Dunagan sat down with new FSA President, Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis. The two discussed Sheriff...
What You Missed at the Florida Sheriffs 2022 Summer Conference
August 23, 2022
Every year, the Florida Sheriffs Association is the host of two widely attended sheriffs’ conferences. This year’s second event, the Sheriffs 2022 Summer Conference, was held on July 24 -...
What Are The Types of Jobs in Law Enforcement?
August 07, 2022
There are a variety of roles to fill in a sheriff’s office, and each one plays a different and integral part in keeping the agency running. While many law enforcement...
June is National Safety Month
June 03, 2021
National Safety Month is an annual observance to educate organizations and communities and encourage safe behaviors. Many injuries can be prevented when safety is a focus. Make a difference and...
Florida’s Appointed Women Sheriffs: Law Enforcement Pioneers
March 22, 2021
When the trumpet sounded for World War II, women answered the call to duty. The WASP, or Women Aircorps Service Pilots, were civilians who trained U.S. pilots for war and...
A Farewell Message from Sheriff John H. Rutherford
June 09, 2015
Jacksonville Sheriff John Rutherford will retire from his current position at the end of this month and pass his duties over to Sheriff-elect Mike Williams July 1. Below is a...
The Role Sheriffs Play in the Reforming of our Laws and Law Enforcement
April 22, 2015
Recently, I read an article titled the Myth of Police Reform which appeared in The Atlantic. In the article, the writers contend society has thrown all of its failures at...
Rules to Follow When Calling 911
April 15, 2015
Last week was National Public Safety Telecommunications week where we recognized the diligence and professionalism of our Telecommunicators – Sheriff’s dispatchers - who serve in our communications center. In honor...
National Telecommunicators Week – help us recognize these important people!
April 08, 2015
April 12th to the 18th is National Public Safety Telecommunications week and during that week, we will be recognizing the diligence and professionalism of our Telecommunicators – Sheriff’s dispatchers -...
The Peacekeepers and the Role They Play In Our Lives
November 26, 2014
Just outside of my office is a memorial to the law enforcement officers who have sacrificed their life to protect us. Inscribed on the walls of the memorial is a...
The Difference Deputies Make in Our Lives
February 26, 2014
Having spent the majority of my adult life working in law enforcement, first as a line officer, then later as a supervisor, and finally as a senior member of management,...
View Posts
Jacksonville Officer Honored as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2025 Corrections Officer of the Year
February 10, 2025
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is deeply honored to posthumously name Officer Brad McNew of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office as the 2025 Corrections Officer of the Year.
Lake County 911 Dispatcher Selected as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2025 Dispatcher of the Year
February 10, 2025
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that 911 Dispatcher Victoria King of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2025 Dispatcher of the Year.
Matthew Dunagan Named Seventh Executive Director of the Florida Sheriffs Association
January 15, 2025
For more information: Nanette Schimpf, APR, CPRC The Moore Agency 850-528-2639 cell For Immediate Release: Matthew Dunagan Named Seventh Executive Director of the Florida Sheriffs Association Tallahassee, Fla. (January 15,...
2024 Florida Sheriffs Academy Prepares New Sheriffs
December 12, 2024
Integrity, fairness, commitment, and accountability are crucial values for the Florida Sheriffs Association and foundational for their 2024 Florida Sheriffs Academy.
The Florida Sheriffs Association’s Criminal Apprehension Assistance Program Helps in the Solving of a High-Profile Murder Case
November 14, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), through its Criminal Apprehension Assistance Program (CAAP), played a pivotal role in the recent apprehension of a murder suspect in South Florida. The CAAP program,...
Amendment 3 Fails: FSA Statement
November 07, 2024
FSA President Sheriff Bill Prummell released the following statement regarding the failure of Amendment 3 (recreational use of marijuana). “Following the strong leadership of Governor DeSantis and sheriffs across Florida,...
Florida Sheriffs Pass Resolution to Oppose the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
July 30, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) today announced the release of a resolution that was approved by Florida’s sheriffs at the Sheriffs Summer Conference last week. The resolution opposes the legalization...
Animal Control Officer Jennifer Miller Awarded 2024 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year
July 24, 2024
The Polk County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) recognizes Animal Control Officer Jennifer Miller as the 2024 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year. This award recognizes exemplary service above self by...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2024-2025
July 24, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the nation's largest and most successful law enforcement associations, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2024-2025 year. The newly elected FSA...
Sergeant Jake Viano and Corporal Matt Aitken of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Recognized as Florida Sheriffs Association 2024 Law Enforcement Officers of the Year
July 24, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to announce the selection of Sergeant Jake Viano and Corporal Matt Aitken of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office as the 2024 Law Enforcement Officers...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Investing in Florida’s Youth by Awarding Ten Criminal Justice Scholarships
June 06, 2024
Each year, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) invests in Florida’s youth by recognizing hard-working and talented students whose parents work in Florida's Sheriff’s Offices. In 2024, the Florida Sheriffs Association...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2024 Commanders Academy Graduating Class 15
May 24, 2024
Sheriff deputies and personnel representing 36 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s (FSA) prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Investing in Florida’s Youth by Awarding 14 STEM Scholarships
May 22, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in a Florida sheriff’s office. This year,...
Florida Sheriffs Association and Leaders Honor Fallen Deputies at FSA Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony
April 29, 2024
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored the fallen heroes who enforced the law and served the state of Florida in the line of duty. Five names were added to...
Florida Sheriffs Research Institute and the Florida Chamber of Commerce Release Report on Securing Florida’s Future Success
April 03, 2024
Today, more than 30 sheriffs, business leaders, and Attorney General Ashley Moody joined for a roundtable discussion to delve into the findings of a research report jointly conducted by the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2024 Commanders Academy Graduating Class 14
March 29, 2024
Sheriff deputies and personnel representing 36 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s (FSA) prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Association and State Farm Commit to Improving Teen Driving
February 27, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that State Farm has generously granted $75,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides training to teenage drivers....
Flagler County Communications Specialist Selected as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2024 Dispatcher of the Year
January 30, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Communications Specialist First Class Megan Burton of Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2024 Dispatcher of the Year....
Florida Sheriffs Association Allocates $150,000 for Bulletproof Vest Grant Program to Sheriffs’ Offices Statewide
January 30, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce $150,000 in grant funding available to Florida sheriffs through the Bulletproof Vest Grant Program. These dollars were approved by the FSA...
DeSoto County Lieutenant Honored as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2024 Corrections Officer of the Year
January 30, 2024
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that DeSoto County Lieutenant Michael Bellflower has been selected as the 2024 Corrections Officer of the Year. Each year, the award...
Florida Sheriffs Association Collaborates with Simply Healthcare Plans, Carelon Behavioral Health to Provide Crisis Intervention Team Training
September 27, 2023
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Simply Healthcare Plans (Simply), in collaboration with Carelon Behavioral Health, has generously granted $150,000 to FSA’s Crisis Intervention Team training...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2023 Commanders Academy Graduating Class 13
September 14, 2023
Sheriff deputies and personnel representing 34 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s (FSA) prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Announce Successful Completion of Operation Safe Kids
September 12, 2023
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Safe Kids, a strategic initiative in 40 Florida counties that called attention to traffic safety in and...
Florida Sheriffs Association Cold Case Advisory Commission Assists in Breakthrough to Close 30-Year-Old Case
August 09, 2023
In a momentous development, the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office has made a breakthrough in the 30-year-old cold case of Jennifer Odom, bringing justice and closure to a long-standing mystery.
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2023-2024
July 26, 2023
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2023-2024 year. The newly-elected...
Investigator David Colt Howell of Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Recognized as Florida Sheriffs Association’s 2023 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 26, 2023
The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to announce the selection of Deputy David Colt Howell of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office as the 2023 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year....
Seminole County Sheriff’s Office Crime Analyst Sean Ryan Awarded 2023 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year
July 25, 2023
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) announces that Seminole County Sheriff’s Office Crime Analyst Sean Ryan is the 2023 Florida Sheriffs Association’s Civilian of the Year. This award recognizes exemplary service...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Collaboration with State Farm to Improve Teen Driving and Keep Florida’s Roads Safe
July 18, 2023
State Farm has generously granted $50,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides training to teenage drivers. This program has been a vital contribution in protecting Florida’s...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
June 14, 2023
Tallahassee, Fla. (June 14, 2023) – The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work at...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2023 Commanders Academy Graduating Class 12
May 19, 2023
Tallahassee, Fla. (May 19, 2023) - Sheriff deputies and personnel representing 34 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s (FSA) prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Investing in Florida’s Youth by Awarding 10 STEM Scholarships
May 11, 2023
Tallahassee, FL (May 11, 2023) – The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in...
Florida Sheriffs Association and Leaders Honor Fallen Deputies at FSA Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony
April 26, 2023
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored the fallen heroes who enforced the law and served the state of Florida in the line of duty. Eight names were added to...
Florida Police Chiefs Association and Florida Sheriffs Association Announce Law Enforcement Virtual Job Fair
April 11, 2023
The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) and the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) announced today that they will hold a joint Law Enforcement Virtual Job Fair on Thursday, April 20th, from...
Pinellas County Corrections Officer Honored as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2023 Corrections Officer of the Year
January 25, 2023
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Pinellas County Corrections Officer Deputy Anthony LaCorte has been selected as the 2023 Corrections Officer of the Year. Each year,...
Lee County Communications Dispatcher Selected as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2023 Dispatcher of the Year
January 25, 2023
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Communications Dispatcher Lexus McClellan of Lee County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2023 Dispatcher of the Year. Each year,...
Florida Sheriffs Association Names Florida Speaker of the House Chris Sprowls as Honorary Sheriff
September 13, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful state law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce it has named Florida House Speaker Chris...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Investing in Florida’s Youth by Awarding 25 Scholarships
September 06, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in a Florida sheriff’s office. This year,...
Florida Sheriffs Association Takes Legal Action Against Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners for Violating the Florida Constitution
August 10, 2022
To uphold the Florida Constitution, the institution of the Office of Sheriff, and the clear mandate of Florida’s voters, the Florida Sheriffs Association today filed a lawsuit against the Miami-Dade...
Florida Sheriffs Association and State Farm Commit to Improving Teen Driving
August 01, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that State Farm has generously granted $50,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides training to teenage drivers....
Orange County Sheriff’s Office Field Service Officer David Grassi Posthumously Honored as 2022 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year
July 27, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) has awarded fallen Orange County Sheriff’s Office Field Service Officer David Grassi as the 2022 Florida Sheriffs Associations’ Civilian of the Year. Orange County Sheriff...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2022-2023
July 27, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2022-2023 year. The newly-elected...
Master Deputy Crista Rainey of Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Recognized as the Florida Sheriffs Association’s 2022 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 27, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to announce that Master Deputy Crista Rainey of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2022 Law Enforcement Officer of the...
FSA Accreditation Coordinator, Juli Brown, Earns Certified Accreditation for Rare Fourth Time
May 25, 2022
In 2021, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) launched the Florida Sheriffs Accreditation Assistance Program to support Florida sheriffs’ offices of all sizes achieve and maintain law enforcement accreditation. This program...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2022 Commanders Academy Graduating Class 11
May 19, 2022
Leaders throughout 33 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated this week from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that is vital...
Florida Sheriffs Association and Leaders Honor Fallen Deputies at FSA Memorial Ceremony
April 25, 2022
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored the fallen heroes who served the law and the state of Florida in the line of duty. Thirty names were added to the...
The Florida Sheriffs Association Launches their Accreditation Assistance Program
April 12, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) has launched the Florida Sheriffs Accreditation Assistance Program to support the Florida sheriffs' offices in achieving and maintaining law enforcement accreditation from the Commission for...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2022 Commanders Academy Graduating Class 10
April 07, 2022
Sheriff deputies and personnel representing 29 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that is...
Miami-Dade Police Department Public Safety Telecommunicator Selected as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2022 Dispatcher of the Year
January 25, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Police Dispatcher Rebeca Sanchez of the Miami-Dade Police Department has been selected as the 2022 Dispatcher of the Year. Each year,...
Flagler County Corrections Officer Honored as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2022 Corrections Officer of the Year
January 25, 2022
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Flagler County Corrections Officer Deputy First Class (DFC) Paul Luciano has been selected as the 2022 Corrections Officer of the...
Florida Sheriffs Research Institute Releases Report on Sentencing Repeat Offenders of Violent and Serious Crime in Florida
December 01, 2021
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Research Institute released their latest report entitled, The Prisoner Release Reoffender: Sentencing Repeat Offenders of Violent and Serious Crime in Florida. The purpose of this report...
Statement from the Florida Sheriffs Association on Whistleblower’s Revelation of the FBI’s use of Counterterrorism Tactics to Investigate Parents
November 18, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association today released the following statement from FSA President and Levy County Sheriff Bobby McCallum in response to the information revealed by a Department of Justice whistleblower...
Florida Sheriffs Research Institute Releases Report on Police Response to Resistance
November 02, 2021
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Research Institute released their latest report entitled, Police Response to Resistance: How Florida’s Sheriffs React to Violent Encounters.
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on Police Reform Negotiations
September 30, 2021
A recent false narrative has been perpetrated which pits blame on U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina for the failure of police reform legislation. Nothing could be further from...
FSA Statement On Negotiations Ending with No Agreement Being Met on Police Reform
September 23, 2021
The Sheriffs of Florida appreciate U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina for not only having an open-door policy to hear input from public safety leaders, but also input from...
Florida Sheriffs Association and Leaders Honor Fallen Deputies at FSA Memorial Ceremony
September 19, 2021
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored the fallen heroes who served the law and the state of Florida in the line of duty. Thirteen names were added to the...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Announce Successful Completion of Operation Loose Wire
September 15, 2021
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Loose Wire, an initiative focused on reducing the number of livestock that are at large, as well...
Florida Sheriffs Deploy Team to Louisiana to Assist with Hurricane Ida Recovery Efforts
September 07, 2021
Sheriffs and their dedicated staff throughout Florida are coming together to assist residents and public safety leaders of Louisiana as they work to recover from the devastating impacts caused by...
Fallen Law Enforcement Heroes Honored by Florida’s Police and Sheriffs along with Attorney General Ashley Moody
August 31, 2021
The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) and the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) are again this year designating the month of September to honor the service and sacrifice of Florida law...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
August 18, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in a Florida sheriff’s office. . Thanks...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2021-2022
July 28, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2021-2022 year. The newly...
Dan Ijpkemeule of the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office Named 2021 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year
July 26, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased today to announce Dan Ijpkemeule, a member of the Aviation department for Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, is the recipient of the 2021 Florida...
Detective Doris Tracey of the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office Recognized as the Florida Sheriffs Association’s 2021 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 26, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to announce that Detective Doris Tracey of the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2021 Law Enforcement Officer of the...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation Breaking Chains Announces Significant Results to Help Stop Human Trafficking
July 22, 2021
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Breaking Chains, a strategic initiative in 16 Florida counties that focused on reducing human trafficking throughout the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Exceptional STEM Students
June 22, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in a Florida sheriff’s office. This year, the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Work with State Farm to Improve Teen Driving and Keep Florida’s Roads Safe
April 15, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that State Farm has generously granted $50,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides teen driver education. This...
Florida Sheriffs Research Institute Releases Report to Legislature on Violent, Repeat Drug Offenders in State Prison
April 06, 2021
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Research Institute sent all members of the Florida Legislature their newest report entitled, Repeat Drug-Offenders in Prison: Not Your Low-Level, Non-Violent Offender.
Florida Sheriffs Association Distributes $1.05 Million to Sheriffs’ Offices
February 11, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce more than $1 million in grant funding available to Florida sheriffs. These dollars were approved by the FSA Board of Directors...
Flagler County Public Safety Telecommunicator Selected as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2021 Dispatcher of the Year
January 26, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Public Safety Telecommunicator Specialist McKenzie Davis of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2021 Dispatcher of the...
Orange County Corrections Officer Honored as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2021 Corrections Officer of the Year
January 26, 2021
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Orange County Corrections Officer Sergeant Frederick Carter has been selected as the 2021 Corrections Officer of the Year. Each year,...
FSA & FSU’s Institute for Justice Research and Development Announces “Resiliency Behind the Badge” Training Program Alongside Speaker Chris Sprowls and Sheriff Michael Adkinson, Jr.
December 17, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) and Florida State University’s Institute for Justice Research and Development (IJRD), alongside Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls (R-Palm Harbor) and Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson,...
2020 Florida Sheriffs Academy Prepares New Sheriffs
December 09, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association values integrity, fairness, commitment, and accountability, which are the foundation for the 2020 Florida Sheriffs Academy. This specialized in-person and online course guides newly-elected Florida sheriffs...
Sheriff Bob Gualtieri of Pinellas County Awarded the PERF Leadership Award
October 22, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association is proud to announce that Sheriff Bob Gualtieri of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office has been awarded the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) Leadership Award. PERF’s...
The Florida Police Chiefs Association and The Florida Sheriffs Association Honor Fallen Law Enforcement Heroes: Attorney General Ashley Moody Joins the Call
August 25, 2020
The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) and the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) are designating the month of September 2020, to honor the service and sacrifice of Florida law enforcement officers...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Work with State Farm to Improve Teen Driving and Keep Florida’s Roads Safe
July 30, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce once again that State Farm has generously granted $75,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides teen driver...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2020-2021
July 29, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2020-2021 year. The newly-elected...
Criminal Intelligence Analyst David Roscoe of the Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office Named 2020 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year
July 29, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased today to announce Criminal Intelligence Analyst (CIA) David Roscoe of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) is the recipient of the 2020 Florida...
Lieutenant Benny Solis of Miami-Dade Police Department Recognized as the Florida Sheriffs Association’s 2020 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 28, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to announce that Lieutenant Benny Solis of the Miami-Dade Police Department has been selected as the 2020 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. The...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
July 06, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association, in annual tradition, has awarded scholarships to hardworking students studying toward a career in law enforcement, corrections or another criminal justice field. These students look to...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Outstanding STEM Students
June 02, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in a Florida sheriff’s office. Thanks to the...
FSA Statement on Death of George Floyd and Arrest of Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin
May 29, 2020
As President of the Florida Sheriffs Association and on behalf of all Florida sheriffs, I offer our sympathies to the family of George Floyd. The Minneapolis police officer used deadly...
Florida Sheriffs Association Grants $5K Reward to Help Sheriff’s Office
May 20, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) established the Criminal Apprehension Assistance Program (CAAP) in 2018 to encourage citizen engagement. The goal of the CAAP is to assist sheriffs’ offices to investigate...
Florida Sheriffs Association Grants $1.16 Million to Help Sheriffs’ Offices
March 17, 2020
Florida sheriffs can get the resources they need to best serve their community through three new Florida Sheriffs Association grants. The Board of Directors approved more than $1.1 million in...
Florida Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Debunk the Myth That Drug Offenders in State Prison Are Non-Violent, Low Level Offenders
February 18, 2020
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) and Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) gathered at the Florida Capitol to debunk the myth that drug offenders in the state prison are non-violent,...
Florida Sheriffs Association Launches Research Institute with Truth in Sentencing Report
January 28, 2020
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) and more than 30 Florida sheriffs gathered at the Florida Capitol to launch the Florida Sheriffs Research Institute and to release a report on...
Florida Sheriffs Association Names Former President of Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Harry Weaver as an Honorary Sheriff
January 16, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful state law-enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce that it has named Harry Weaver as Honorary...
Orange County Master Corrections Officer Honored as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2020 Corrections Officer of the Year
January 15, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Orange County Master Corrections Officer Geovanie Hernandez has been selected as the 2020 Corrections Officer of the Year. Each year,...
Suwannee County Public Safety Telecommunicators Brittany Wheeler and Taylor McCathern Selected as the Florida Sheriffs Association 2020 Dispatchers of the Year
January 15, 2020
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Public Safety Telecommunicators Brittany Wheeler and Taylor McCathern of the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office have been selected as the 2020 Dispatchers...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation Hallowed Streets Focused on Children Safety During Halloween Activities
November 12, 2019
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Hallowed Streets, a strategic initiative in 18 Florida counties that focused on Halloween activites throughout Florida. The...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
September 18, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association, in an annual tradition, has awarded scholarships to hardworking students studying toward a career in law enforcement, corrections or another criminal justice field. These students look...
Florida Sheriffs Association Continues Work with State Farm to Improve Teen Driving and Keep Florida’s Roads Safe
August 01, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce once again that State Farm has generously granted $75,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides teen driver...
Florida Sheriffs Association Names Martin County Clerk and Comptroller Carolyn Timmann Honorary Sheriff
August 01, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful state law-enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce that it has named the Honorable Carolyn Timmann...
Victim Advocate Supervisor Gina Youmans of the Pasco Sheriff’s Office Named 2019 Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the Year
August 01, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased today to announce Supervisor Gina Youmans of the Pasco Sheriff’s Office is the recipient of the inaugural Florida Sheriffs Association Civilian of the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2019-2020
July 31, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2019-2020 year. The newly-elected...
Sergeant Jeff Hewitt and Deputy Jared Hewitt of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Recognized as the 2019 Florida Sheriffs Association’s Law Enforcement Officers of the Year
July 31, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to announce that Sgt. Jeff Hewitt and Deputy Jared S. Hewitt, a heroic father and son team, of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office have...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation Knot Lit Hauled In Significant Numbers to Create Safe Roads and Waterways
July 23, 2019
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Knot Lit, a strategic initiative in 33 Florida counties that focused on education and enforcement of Florida’s...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2019 Commanders Academy Graduating Class IX
July 19, 2019
Today, sheriff deputies and personnel representing 31 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2019 Commanders Academy Graduating Class VIII
May 29, 2019
Today, sheriff deputies and personnel representing 34 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation School Zone Safety Earned Substantial Numbers to Help Keep Our Children Safe
May 14, 2019
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation School Zone Safety, a strategic initiative in 40 Florida counties that focused on providing a high level...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces 2019 Legislative Champions
May 13, 2019
Each year, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) recognizes exemplary state legislators for their significant contributions to and support of good public safety policies during legislative session. These legislators have demonstrated...
FSA and Leaders Honor Fallen Deputies at Florida Sheriffs Association Memorial Ceremony
April 29, 2019
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored all of the fallen deputies and officers who served the law and the state of Florida in the line of duty. This year,...
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on Florida First Step Act—SB 642
April 16, 2019
Crime victims’ rights matter. When someone steals or injures a Florida resident, or one of our tourists, and a judge sentences that person to prison they should serve their sentence....
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on Voting Rights Restoration- HB 7089/SB 7086
April 08, 2019
Victims’ rights and truth in sentencing matter. Defendants should be required to pay victim restitution before regaining voting rights and when judges impose a sentence, a defendant should be required...
Walton County Detention Deputy Honored as the FSA 2019 Corrections Officer of the Year
January 22, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Walton County Detention Deputy Thomas Corbett has been selected as the 2019 Corrections Officer of the Year. Each year, the...
Alachua County Communications Supervisor Selected as the FSA 2019 Dispatcher of the Year
January 22, 2019
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Communications Supervisor Jefferson Andress of the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2019 Dispatcher of the Year. Each...
Florida Sheriffs Association’s Statement on Tonight’s Election
November 07, 2018
“Sheriffs all over Florida are pleased citizens took the time to learn about Amendment 10 and voted in favor of protecting their right to elect their constitutional officers. Sheriffs, and...
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on Hurricane Michael’s Impact and Recovery Efforts
October 14, 2018
“It's been four days since a monster storm slammed into the Florida Panhandle, destroying an untold number of homes with 155-mile per hour winds and a tremendous amount of storm...
FSA Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
October 08, 2018
The Florida Sheriffs Association, following in its annual tradition, has awarded scholarships to hardworking students studying toward a career in law enforcement, corrections or another criminal justice field. These students...
Florida’s Elected Constitutional Officers Launch Amendment 10 Initiative
September 12, 2018
Florida’s Sheriffs, Tax Collectors, Clerks of the Circuit Court, Property Appraisers, and amendment sponsors gathered at the Capitol to launch a statewide education initiative about Amendment 10, the Protection Amendment....
FSA Continues Work with State Farm to Improve Teen Driving and Keep Florida Safe
July 25, 2018
The Florida Sheriffs Association is happy to announce that State Farm has generously granted $75,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that provides teen driver education. The check...
Deputy Jesus Madrigal of the Broward SO Honored as the 2018 FSA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 25, 2018
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is proud to announce that Deputy Jesus “Jesse” Madrigal of the Broward Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2018 Law Enforcement Officer of...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Board for 2018-2019
July 25, 2018
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the 2018-2019 year, which is...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2018 Commanders Academy Graduating Class VII
June 08, 2018
Today, sheriff deputies and personnel representing 28 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarship to Outstanding STEM Students
June 06, 2018
The Florida Sheriffs Association invests in the state of Florida each year by encouraging and rewarding bright, hard-working students whose parents work in a Florida sheriff’s office. Thanks to the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2018 Commanders Academy Graduating Class
May 25, 2018
Today, sheriff deputies and personnel representing 29 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on Murder of Highlands County Deputy William Gentry
May 07, 2018
We are devastated by the news that Deputy William Gentry has died after being shot last night while on duty serving his community. Deputy Gentry has honorably served the Highlands...
FSA Task Force Operation Spring Cleaning Earned Substantial Numbers to Help Keep Florida Safe
May 02, 2018
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Spring Cleaning, a strategic initiative in 35 Florida counties that focused on the investigation and subsequent arrest...
FSA and Leaders Honor Fallen Deputies at Florida Sheriffs Association Memorial Ceremony
May 01, 2018
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored all the fallen deputies and officers who served the law, and state of Florida, in the line of duty. This year, four names...
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on the Murder of Two Gilchrist County Deputies
April 19, 2018
The Sheriffs of Florida stand united with Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office, Sheriff Bobby Schultz, and his team today with the tragic news that two of his deputies were ambushed and...
New Polling Data Shows Miami-Dade Voters Support Electing Constitutional Officers
April 16, 2018
Today, C.O.R.E. shared new polling data that shows Miami-Dade residents support a key portion of CRC Proposal 6005, which addresses state and local government structure and operation. These results show...
Florida Sheriffs Association Requests Adequate Funding for School Resource Officers
March 07, 2018
Moments ago, the Florida Sheriffs Association released the following letter requesting adequate funding for School Resource Officers. This letter was sent to Florida Governor Rick Scott, House Speaker Corcoran, and...
Florida Sheriffs Association Statement on Heinous Attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
February 15, 2018
We stand with the victims, families, and law enforcement from yesterday’s horrific attack at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. We cannot comprehend the evil that put this attack...
FSA Recognizes Gov. Rick Scott’s Efforts to Keep Floridians Safe and to Support Law Enforcement
February 08, 2018
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) and the 67 Sheriffs of Florida recognized and thanked Governor Rick Scott for his exemplary work and guidance during two recent events. During these...
Broward County Communications Training Officer Selected as the FSA 2018 Dispatcher of the Year
February 07, 2018
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Communications Training Officer Dominique Mathis of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2018 Dispatcher of the Year....
Brevard County Corrections Deputy Honored as the FSA 2018 Corrections Officer of the Year
February 07, 2018
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Brevard County Corrections Deputy Carissa LaRoche has been selected as the 2018 Corrections Officer of the Year. Each year the...
FSA Statement on ICE Announcement to Enter into Basic Ordering Agreements with Florida Sheriffs
January 18, 2018
“The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased with yesterday’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcement to enter into Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA) with 17 Florida sheriffs. The Florida Sheriffs Association...
FSA Statement on the CRC’s Proposal 49 to Provide Death Benefits for Families of First Responders
November 13, 2017
"The Sheriffs of Florida support proposal 49, brought forward by Sheriff Gainey, that provides death benefits to surviving family members of first responders who are killed or injured in the...
Supreme Court Ruling in Support of Gov. Scott’s Actions to Ensure Justice is Given Every Opportunity
September 05, 2017
"Today, the Supreme Court affirmed that Governor Scott acted in the best interests of Floridians in reassigning more than 30 death penalty cases from State Attorney Ayala in the Ninth...
Florida Sheriffs Association Operation Deadbolt
August 22, 2017
Charlotte County Sheriff William Prummell, Jr. shares the details on the latest Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation, Operation Deadbolt, which brought together 25 sheriffs’ offices to combat residential, commercial and...
FSA Continues Work with State Farm to Improve Teen Driving and Keep Florida’s Roads Safe
July 26, 2017
The Florida Sheriffs Association is happy to announce that State Farm has generously granted $75,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational course that promotes teen driver improvement. The check...
Deputy Justin Ferrari of the Volusia County SO Honored as the 2017 FSA LEOY
July 26, 2017
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is proud to announce that Deputy Justin Ferrari of the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2017 Law Enforcement Officer of...
Florida Sheriffs Association Names New Board Leadership
July 26, 2017
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest and most successful law-enforcement associations in the nation, is pleased to announce its leadership for the coming year. Walton County Sheriff...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces 2017 Legislative Awards
July 24, 2017
Each year, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) recognizes exemplary state legislators for their significant contributions to and support of good public safety policies during legislative session. These legislators have demonstrated...
Florida Sheriffs Association Thanks Gov. Scott for Signing Comprehensive Drug Control Bill HB 477
June 14, 2017
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) would like to thank Governor Scott for signing HB 477 into law. FSA has made its top legislative priority to support comprehensive drug control legislation...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2017 Commanders Academy Graduating Class V
June 09, 2017
Today, sheriff deputies and personnel representing 30 Florida sheriffs’ offices graduated from the Florida Sheriffs Association’s prestigious Commanders Academy. The Commanders Academy is an exceptionally informative and educational experience that...
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Fallen Deputies at Memorial Ceremony
April 24, 2017
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored all of the fallen deputies and officers who served the law, and state of Florida, in the line of duty. This year, six...
Florida Sheriffs Respond to ICE Detainer Issue and Request Greater Cooperation from DHS
April 04, 2017
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) weighed in on immigration enforcement. FSA challenged a weekly list published by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of sheriffs’ offices who are not...
Florida Sheriffs Association Condemns State Attorney Ayala for Dereliction of Duty
March 16, 2017
The Sheriffs of Florida stand with Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi today as we condemn the unconscionable decision by State Attorney Aramis Ayala to not seek the...
Charlotte County Corrections Deputy Honored as the FSA 2017 Corrections Officer of the Year
February 01, 2017
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that Charlotte County Corrections Deputy First Class Bobby Beverly has been selected as the 2017 Corrections Officer of the Year. The...
Collier County Senior Dispatcher Selected as the FSA 2017 Dispatcher of the Year
February 01, 2017
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Senior Dispatcher Richard Swink of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2017 Dispatcher of the Year. The...
FSA President Addresses Tragic Ft. Lauderdale Shooting
January 06, 2017
Once again Florida has experienced a tragic shooting incident that has resulted in multiple deaths and injuries to innocent people. We applaud the quick response by the Broward County Sheriff's...
2016 Florida Sheriffs Academy Prepares New Sheriffs
December 13, 2016
The Florida Sheriffs Association values integrity, fairness, commitment, and accountability which are the foundation for the 2016 Florida Sheriffs Academy. This specialized course guides newly-elected or newly-appointed Florida sheriffs in...
FSA Operation Pill Drop Safely Disposes of Nearly 7,000 Pounds of Unused Medication
November 28, 2016
Prescription pills are the most commonly used and abused drugs among 12 and 13-year-olds. In an effort to proactively combat this danger, the Florida Sheriffs Association Task Force, chaired by...
Statement from Florida Sheriffs Association on Iowa Shooting and Recent Law Enforcement Deaths
November 02, 2016
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) today released the following statement from FSA President and Orange County Sheriff Jerry L. Demings, in response to the deadly police shootings in Iowa and...
FSA and FPCA Joint Statement on Support of Law Enforcement
October 12, 2016
Recently, there have been several tragic, unnecessary shootings that resulted in the death of law enforcement officers in cities like Dallas and Baton Rouge. Law enforcement officers are the peacekeepers...
FSA Awards Scholarships to Students Studying LE and Criminal Justice
October 12, 2016
The Florida Sheriffs Association, following in its annual tradition, has awarded scholarships to hardworking students studying toward a career in law enforcement, corrections or another criminal justice field.
FSA Statement Regarding the Marion County Sheriff’s Office
May 20, 2016
Late this afternoon we were made aware that Sheriff Chris Blair was arrested and charged in relation to an incident which is currently being investigated by the Grand Jury in...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarship to Outstanding STEM Students
May 05, 2016
Each year, the Florida Sheriffs Association invests in the lives of exceptional students by awarding scholarships to some of the state’s hardest working and most talented individuals. Last year, the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Fallen Deputies at Ceremony
May 03, 2016
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored all of the deputies and officers who gave their lives in service of the law and to the state of Florida. At the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces 2016 Legislator of the Year and Legislative Champions
April 18, 2016
Each year the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) recognizes several exemplary state legislators for their significant contributions to and support of good public safety policies during legislative session. These legislators have...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2016 Commanders Academy Graduating Class
April 11, 2016
This past Friday, the Florida Sheriffs Association graduated 30 deputies from its prestigious Commanders Academy. This two-week program started on March 7 and reconvened for its final week on April 4,...
Florida Sheriffs Taskforce Unveils Results of its 2016 Sexual Predator Operation
March 22, 2016
Today the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) Task Force released the results of Operation Predator, a strategic initiative that verified current locations and criminal backgrounds of the over 46,000 permanent sexual...
Sheriffs Applaud Passage of Legislation to Reform Death Benefits for Families of Fallen Officers
March 09, 2016
Recognizing the need to reform the process governing how death benefits are left to the family members of officers killed in the line of duty, the Florida Legislature today adopted...
Statement on Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act
March 08, 2016
The Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act is an important tool for law enforcement in preventing crime and protecting Florida's communities. Current HB 889/SB 1044 strikes an important balance addressing the needs...
Seminole County Deputy Julie Sienko Honored as the FSA 2016 Corrections Officer of the Year
February 03, 2016
The Florida Sheriffs Association announced that Deputy Julie Sienko of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2016 Corrections Officer of the Year. The award, presented each...
Polk County Communications Officer Erica Martin Honored as the FSA 2016 Dispatcher of the Year
February 03, 2016
The Florida Sheriffs Association announced today that Communications Officer Erica Martin, of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, has been selected as the 2016 Dispatcher of the Year. This award is...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces Alternative Proposal to HB 163/SB 300 – Open Carry
January 25, 2016
Florida’s elected law enforcement officials, including Florida Sheriffs Association President and Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell and Florida Sheriffs Association Legislative Chairman and Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, today announced...
Florida Sheriffs Stand Behind Sheriff Gualtieri, Continue to Oppose Open Carry Legislation
December 15, 2015
On Thursday December 10, 2015, Ms. Menzel of The News Service of Florida posted an article entitled, “Police Chiefs Will Back Revised Open Carry Bill.” In that article, Sheriff Gualtieri...
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Announces Results for Operation Safe Schools
October 04, 2015
The Florida Sheriffs Task Force, chaired by Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gaultieri, has released the results of its youth-protection program, Operation Safe Schools. This four-week initiative aimed to reduce pedestrian...
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces Cold Case Review Team
August 19, 2015
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) held the first meeting of their new Cold Case Review Team (CCRT). The CCRT Committee is an inter-disciplinary approach for reviewing the available information...
Florida Sheriffs Association Names New Board Leadership
July 15, 2015
July 15, 2015... Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell has been elected as President of FSA, and is the second female Sheriff to serve in this role. Sheriff Darnell will be responsible...
Taylor County Deputy Robert Lundy Honored as the 2015 FSA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 15, 2015
Deputy Robert Lundy of the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the “2015 FSA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.” Lundy was recognized at the FSA Summer Conference...
Florida Sheriffs Association and State Farm Continue Efforts to Improve Teen Driving and Save Lives
July 15, 2015
State Farm has generously contributed $75,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge, an educational driver improvement course developed in 2007. The check was presented to FSA President David Shoar at this...
Florida Sheriffs Association Names 2015 Legislative Champions
July 14, 2015
Last night, the Florida Sheriffs Association announced the recipients of the 2015 Legislative Champion awards during their Summer Conference in Broward County.
Bill Powers and Roger Bouchard Named Honorary Sheriffs
July 14, 2015
FSA is pleased to announce that it has named two new Honorary Sheriffs. Roger Bouchard of Live Oak and Bill Powers of Tallahassee accepted this honor yesterday at the Florida Sheriffs...
FSA Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
July 13, 2015
Following in our annual tradition, we have awarded scholarships to 10 hardworking students studying for a career in law enforcement, corrections, or another criminal justice field.&
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Announces Results to Protect Youth in Operation Dry Spring
May 07, 2015
The Florida Sheriffs Task Force, in conjunction with the Florida Sheriffs Association, has concluded a four-week operation aimed at protecting youth in Florida. Operation Dry Spring 2015 focused on preventing...
Committee of 99 Honors Deputies and Officers for Outstanding Service
May 05, 2015
For a change from the negative news about law enforcement that is a buzz these days, The Committee of Ninety-Nine of Tallahassee/Leon County, Inc., or Committee of 99 as the...
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Fallen Deputies at Ceremony
May 04, 2015
The Florida Sheriffs Association honored all 356 deputies and officers, including three recently fallen whose names are etched on the FSA Memorial Wall.
Jackson County Communications Officer Deborah Mathewuse Honored as FSA Dispatcher of the Year
February 04, 2015
The Florida Sheriffs Association announced today that Communications Officer Deborah Mathewuse, of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, has been selected as the 2015 Dispatcher of the Year
Brevard County Deputy David Arquette Honored as FSA Correctional Officer of the Year
February 04, 2015
The Florida Sheriffs Association announced today that Deputy David Arquette, of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, has been selected as the 2015 Corrections Officer of the Year.
FSA Announces Position on SB 528 and Core Legislative Principles Surrounding Medical Marijuana
February 03, 2015
Today, Florida’s Sheriffs met at the FSA Winter Conference to discuss critical legislative issues, including medical marijuana, that are facing the state.
Florida Sheriffs Association Weighs in on Pot Vote
November 05, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association and the Don’t Let Florida Go to Pot Coalition have been educating Floridians about the dangers of legalizing marijuana and the likely impact if Amendment 2...
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards State Representatives
September 16, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association has identified those Florida legislators who gave critical support to FSA and Florida’s Sheriffs for bills we support, as well as working through bills of concern...
Florida Sheriffs Institute Hosts DEA
September 16, 2014
Sixty participants represtent 28 law enforcement agencies attend the DEA's Basic School, with curriculum coordinated by the DEA Miami Field Office.
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Staff
September 11, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association, today announced Matthew Dunagan has joined the FSA team as the Assistant Executive Director of Operations.
St. John’s and Volusia Sheriffs Present Legislative Champion Award to Senator Thrasher
August 20, 2014
State Senator John Thrasher was presented with FSA’s Legislative Champion Award. St. Johns County from Sheriff David Shoar, FSA President, and Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson.
Sheriffs Present Legislative Champion Award to Senator Simmons
August 15, 2014
Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger and Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson presented Senator David Simmons with FSA's Legislative Champion Award at his Orlando office.
Results From the Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation Cyber Vigilance
August 05, 2014
More than 180 suspects, ranging in age from 20s through 70s, included a postal worker, pizza deliveryman, landscaper, former law enforcement officer and a Disney employee
Florida Sheriffs Association Names New Board Leadership
August 01, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce its leadership for the coming year. St. Johns County Sheriff David Shoar has been elected as President of FSA
FSA Recognizes State Farm for Commitment to Improving Teen Driving with President’s Award
July 30, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is pleased to announce that State Farm was the recipient of the President’s Award, an honor given to one organization who has shown considerable commitment...
Miami Dade Officer Mario Gutierrez Honored as 2014 FSA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
July 29, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) today announced that Officer Mario Gutierrez of the Miami Dade Police Department, has been selected as the “2014 FSA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.”
Florida Sheriffs Association Presents Legislative Champion Award to Senator Jack Latvala
July 29, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association presented Senator Latvala (R-20) with the Legislator of the Year award this week during the FSA 2014 Summer Conference in St Johns County.
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces the 2014 Commanders Academy Graduating Class II
July 11, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Institute Commanders Academy graduated its second class July 11, 2014. Class 2, comprised of 29 commanders representing 26 sheriffs’ Offices, took the legacy established by the charter...
Sheriffs Award 2014 Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
July 02, 2014
he Florida Sheriffs Association, following in its annual tradition, has awarded scholarships to hardworking students studying for a career in law enforcement, corrections or another criminal justice field.
Grassroots Coalition Launches to Educate on Dangers of Marijuana
June 10, 2014
Today, members of the Don’t Let Florida Go to Pot coalition convened in Tallahassee to announce their efforts to educate Floridians on the dangers of marijuana and how the proposed...
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Fallen Officers at Ceremony
May 07, 2014
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) honored all 350 officers, including seven new officers whose names were recently etched on the FSA Memorial Wall.
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Staff
May 07, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), one of the largest state law enforcement associations in the nation, today announces that Michelle Burdick, Trish Eldridge and Becky Keillor have been added to...
Seminole County Cpl. Joseph Klinger Named FSA Corrections Officer of the Year
February 05, 2014
The Florida Sheriffs Association announced today that Corporal Joseph Klinger of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office has been selected as the 2014 Corrections Officer of the Year.
Florida Sheriffs Pass Resolution to Oppose the Legalization of Marijuana
January 22, 2014
Florida’s sheriffs have passed a resolution opposing the legalization of marijuana in Florida.
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Operation Safe Families Targets Domestic Violence
November 15, 2013
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Task Force announced the results of Operation Safe Families, the latest operation aimed at protecting youth and families in Florida.
Florida Sheriffs Institute Graduates First Commanders Academy
November 13, 2013
Charter class received 64 hours of instruction on law enforcement leadership, management skills, and issues specific to the unique Office of the Sheriff.
First FSA Legislative Staffer of the Year Award Presented to Chase Daniels
October 15, 2013
Recognition comes as a result of his hard work on Senate Bill 112 related to filing false documents against real or personal property, which assured its passage in the best...
Six Florida Sheriffs’ Offices Receive COPS Hiring Grants
October 15, 2013
Nearly $6 million in funding aimed at creating law enforcement positions, including school resource officers.
FSA Hosts First Commanders Academy
September 26, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association and partners have developed training specifically geared to top level management at Sheriffs' Offices around the state.
FSA Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
September 24, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association, following in its annual tradition; has awarded scholarships to hardworking students studying for a career in law enforcement, corrections or another criminal justice field.
FSA to Launch Blog
September 11, 2013
First message about Florida's Missing Children's Day at the Capitol, by Steve Casey.
FSA Announces New Staff
August 19, 2013
The Florida Sheirffs Association is excited to have Tansesha Williams, Drew Terpak and Hariet Sespico join the staff.
Additional Detail on the Florida Sheriffs Association Vote to Support Stand Your Ground Law.
August 12, 2013
Additional details were released surrounding the vote to support the Stand Your Ground law.
The Florida Sheriffs Association Supports the Stand Your Ground Law.
August 09, 2013
FSA President Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd annoucned that Florida Sheriffs support the Stand Your Ground law as it is currently written.
Florida Sheriffs Association Names New President
August 08, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd has been elected as President of FSA.
Deputy Tim Liberatore is 2013 Florida Sheriffs Association’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
August 08, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association announced that Marion County Sheriff’s Master Deputy, Tim Liberatore, has been selected as the 2013 FSA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
Florida Governor Scott Signs Legislation for the Safety of Floridians
August 08, 2013
Governor Scott joined Sheriffs and legislators from across the state for a ceremonial bill signing before the conference banquet.
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New Staff
August 08, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce that Drew Terpak, Harriet Sespico and Tanesha Williams have joined our team.
Sheriffs Present Legislative Champion Award to Representative Matt Gaetz
August 08, 2013
The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office presented Representative Matt Gaetz with the Legislative Champion Award at a ceremony held at the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office.
Pasco County Sheriff Presents Legislative Champion Award to Senator Simpson
August 08, 2013
Pasco County Sheriff and St. Johns County David Shoar presented Senator Wilton Simpson with the Legislative Champion Award at a ceremony held in New Port Richey.
Col. Joseph Bradshaw Receives Florida Bar Claude Pepper Award
June 28, 2013
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office General Counsel is recognized for making an extraordinary contribution as a practicing government lawyer.
FSA Law Enforcement Coordinator Retires
June 26, 2013
After more than forty years in law enforcement, the Florida Sheriffs Association’s Law Enforcement Coordinator Roy Hudson has chosen to retire.
Statement from FSA Regarding Florida Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
June 20, 2013
Florida has seen a 17 percent drop in Oxycodone deaths and a 58 percent reduction in "doctor shopping" cases since the database began operations two years ago.
Collier County Sheriff’s Office presents on how CIT impacts the community
June 13, 2013
Crisis Intervention Teams are trained on how to identify persons with mental illness and de-escalate situations when a person with mental illness comes into contact with law enforcement.
Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award Committee Reviews Applicants
June 05, 2013
The review committee for the FSA's Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award met to consider this year's applications.
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Fallen Officers at Ceremony
May 06, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association honored all 346 officers whose names are etched on the FSA Memorial Wall at a moving ceremony as part of a month long memorial of fallen...
Media Alert: Fallen Officer Honored for Their Ultimate Sacrifice
May 06, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association is holding a memorial ceremony to pay tribute to our fallen officers.
Florida Sheriffs Association Gets New Conference Planning Leadership
May 02, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association has selected Christine Poole to direct the meetings and conferences hosted throughout the year for Florida’s Sheriffs and their teams.
Unprecedented Results in “Operation Dry Spring”
April 11, 2013
Florida Sheriffs Task Force announces unprecedented results to protect youth, prevent drug and alcohol abuse in "Operation Dry Spring."
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Governor Rick Scott with Legislative Champion Award
April 08, 2013
The Office of Governor Rick Scott today announces the governor was honored to receive the Florida Sheriffs Association Legislative Champion Award.
Florida Sheriffs Association and State Farm Commit to Improving Teen Driving
April 01, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce State Farm’s contribution of $100,000 to the Teen Driver Challenge.
Florida Sheriff’s Task Force Sets Sights on Spring Break Safety
March 05, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Task Force has launched Operation Dry Spring aimed at protetcing Florida's youth during Spring Break.
FSA President Appointed to National Sheriffs’ Association’s Board of Directors
February 11, 2013
FSA President and Highlands County Sheriff Susan Benton has been appointed to the National Sheriffs' Association's Board of Direcrtors.
Frank Messersmith Made Honorary Sheriff
February 01, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs bestowed their highest honor on this former lawman, lawmaker and retiring governmental consultant.
Brevard County Corporal James Ris Honored as FSA Corrections Officer of the Year
January 30, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association has announced that Corporal James Ris has been selected as the 2013 Corrections Officer of the Year.
Florida Sheriffs Association Selects New Government Affairs Coordinator
January 08, 2013
The Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to announce the selection of Tabitha McDonald to fill the role of Government Affairs Coordinator.
FSA Wraps Up Successful New Sheriffs Institute Training for Florida’s Newest Top Cops
December 14, 2012
The Florida Sheriffs Association has concluded its 2012 training of the newly-elected Sheriffs across the state.
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Nets Nearly 12,000 Felony Arrests During Operation “Felon Sweep”
October 25, 2012
The Florida Sheriffs Task Force wrapped up a three-week operation where they worked to remove felons from Florida's streets.
Miami/Dade Detective Oscar Plasencia is selected as 2012 Deputy Sheriff of the Year
August 02, 2012
The Florida Sheriffs Association awarded Detective Plasencia with this honor at the FSA summer conference that was held in Kissimmee, FL
Florida Sheriffs Association Names First Female President
July 31, 2012
Highlands County Sheriff Susan Benton will be the first female president of FSA, taking over the duties of Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson.
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards Scholarships to Students Studying Criminal Justice
July 19, 2012
Every year, the Florida Sheriffs Association awards a number of scholarships to hardworking students studying for a career in law enforcement, corrections or another field of criminal justice.
FSA Announces New Public Safety Services Coordinator
July 18, 2012
Law Enforcement veteran David Brand has been selected to fill the position
Florida Sheriffs Task Force Announces Five-County Cyber Predator Operation Most Successful to Date
July 03, 2012
A total of 119 predators were arrested in this five-county initiative
Florida Sheriffs Association Honors Fallen Officers
May 07, 2012
The Florida Sheriffs Association held a memorial ceremony to pay tribute to all of the officers who have given their lives in the lives in the line of duty.
Florida Sheriffs Association to Host Memorial Ceremony
May 04, 2012
The Florida Sheriffs Association will be hosting a law enforcement memorial on May 7, 2012 at their Memorial Wall.
State Farm Contributes, Commits to Teen Driver Challenge
January 19, 2012
During FSA's Mid-Winter conference, State Farm presented a check for $100,000 to support the Teen Driver Challenge program.
Polk County Deputy Jonathan Bowman Honored as FSA Corrections Officer of the Year
January 18, 2012
The Florida Sheriffs Association was pleased to present Deputy Jonathan Bowman of the Polk County Sheriff's Office with the 2012 Corrections Officer of the Year Award at the Mid-Winter Conference.
Florida Sheriffs Association Opposes Casino Destination Resorts
December 19, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association opposes the expansion of gambling into South Florida with new casino destination resorts.
Setting record straight on juvenile detention facilities
November 10, 2011
FSA President and Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson speaks out on the issue of juvenile detention facilities
Florida Sheriffs Association Staff Member To Serve On National Jail Inspector Forum
October 31, 2011
The FSA Jail Services Coordinator, Isaiah Dennard will represent Florida on the Chief Jail Inspectors Forum with the National Institute of Corrections.
FSA Appoints New Assistant Executive Director of Operations
October 22, 2011
Florida Association of Counties Legislative Advocate Sarrah Carroll was selected for her extensive experience in state government and legislation.
Crime Down in Florida First Half of 2011
October 22, 2011
October 21, 2011... The 2011 Semi-Annual Uniform Crime Report reflects that crime in Florida declined 2 percent for the first half of the calendar year over the same period last...
Florida Aims To White Out Teen Crashes
October 18, 2011
FSA supports the Florida DHSMV efforts to "White Out" teen crashes in conjunction with National Teen Driver Safety Week.
Florida Sheriffs Association Awards State Representatives
October 04, 2011
FSA recognizes various state representatives for their support of a strong public-safety agenda in the 2011 legislative session.
FSA Announces Collaborative Cyber Sexual Predator Initiative
September 12, 2011
FSA announces Cyber Sexual Predator Initiative in conjunction with Florida Missing Children's Day at the Capitol
Cyber Sexual Predator Initiative
September 10, 2011
Media alert: FSA holds press conference to announce collaborative Cyber Sexual Predator Initiative.
Media Statement on Libertarian Party and TSA
August 12, 2011
FSA released a media statement addressing the issue of TSA agents allegedly violating the fourth amendment
Palm Beach County Sheriff Receives FPAA Leadership Award
August 08, 2011
Sheriff Ric Bradshaw was recognized by the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Media Statement on Self Insurance Fund Committee
August 05, 2011
FSA elects Sheriff Harvey as Executive Director and Sheriff Eslinger and Chairman of the committee
Deputy Con Kelley Honored as the 2011 Florida Sheriffs Association Deputy of the Year
August 03, 2011
Clay County Deputy Con Kelley was honored as Deputy Sheriff of the Year at the Florida Sheriffs Association's summer conference
Florida Sheriffs Association Announces New President
August 02, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs would like to congratualte Volusia County Sheriff Ben F. Johnson as the incoming president of FSA
Governor Rick Scott Appoints Six to Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council
August 02, 2011
Sheriffs James F. Coats and Ben F. Johnson appointed to Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council
Governor Rick Scott Appoints Eslinger and Musco to Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Systems
August 02, 2011
Governor Rick Scott Appoints Sheriff Eslinger to Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Systems
FSA Seeks Assistant Exec Director of Operations
July 18, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association is seeking an Assistant Executive Director of Operations to help lead one of the largest law-enforcement associations in the country.
Latest Sex Sting Operation Nets 32
June 27, 2011
Lake County Sheriff's Office "Operation Summer Nights" gets 32 sexual predators off the streets.
Employees From Two Sheriffs’ Offices Win National Awards
June 22, 2011
The National Sheriffs Association selects law-enforcement professionals from two Florida Sheriffs' Offices for national awards.
FSA Awards Scholarships
June 21, 2011
Florida Sheriffs Association awards scholarships to students studying Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.
Pill Mill Legislation Signed by Governor
June 03, 2011
Surrounded by Sheriffs, Florida Gov. Rick Scott signs "Pill Mill" legislation into law.
Executive Leadership Conference A Success
May 17, 2011
FSA's Executive Leadership Conference ended last week and by all accounts it was a success. See photos from the event.
Dennard Selected As FSA Jail Services Coordinator
May 05, 2011
Florida Sheriffs Association Selects Isaiah Dennard as Jail Services Coordinator.
FSA Dedicates New Headquarters
May 03, 2011
With a nod to the past, the Florida Sheriffs Association dedicates new headquarters to usher in the future
Media Alert: Building Dedication and Open House
May 02, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association Hosts Much-Anticipated Building Dedication Ceremony and Open House
Florida Crime Lowest in 40 Years
April 26, 2011
Governor Rick Scott Announces Florida Crime Rate at 40-Year Low
Sheriffs Bring Spotlight to Child Abuse Prevention Month
April 13, 2011
April is Child Abuse Prevention month and the Florida Sheriffs are helping bring the spotlight to the issue throughout the state.
FSA Takes Action to Combat Child Abuse
April 01, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association participates in activities to kick off Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Seven Sheriffs Appointed to “Drug Strike Force”
March 30, 2011
Seven Sheriff selected to serve on Gov. Scott's "Drug Strike Force."
Governor Scott Announces Statewide Drug Strike Force
March 29, 2011
Governor Rick Scott announced a comprehensive statewide response to criminal drug trafficking in Florida. His Statewide Drug Strike Force will assist local law-enforcement agencies in the battle against "pill mills."
Spring Break Sex Sting Nets 21 Men and Women
March 25, 2011
Sumter County Sheriff Bill Farmer says of the operation, "It was very fruitful, I hate to say." Among the arrested are a Universal Studios security guard and Lake County couple.
FSA Launches New, Integrated Website
March 24, 2011
FSA's new website offers an e-newsletter, Web 2.0 technology and hourly legislative updates via Lobbytools.
Sheriffs Support AG Bondi’s Position on Restoration of Civil Rights
March 02, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) supports Attorney General Pam Bondi’s recent efforts regarding the Restoration of Civil Rights.
Just Published! Annual Guide to Government
February 22, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association 2011 Annual Guide to Government is here! Featuring government official and Sheriffs' bios, a state government chart and more.
Two Florida Sheriffs Appointed to Fraud “Strike Force”
February 09, 2011
Two Florida Sheriffs have been appointed to the Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Strike Force.
FSA 2011 Mid-Winter Conference Highlights
January 26, 2011
The Florida Sheriffs Association 2011 Mid-Winter Conference a resounding success.
FSA 2011 Correctional Officer of the Year
January 26, 2011
Jefferson County Correctional Deputy Marie McClamma named Correctional Officer of the Year (includes video).
Alarming Rise in LE Officer Fatalities in 2010
December 27, 2010
The number of U.S. law enforcement fatalities spiked by 37 percent in 2010, on the heels of a two year decline; Florida in the top four.
FSA Recognizes AG and Cabinet
December 07, 2010
Florida Sheriffs Association President Harrell Reid presents a proclamation to Florida Attorney General and Cabinet.
Juv. Delinquency At Record Low
December 06, 2010
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice says delinquency rate has fallen.
Monroe Sheriff’s Office - Holiday Safety Tips
November 29, 2010
The Monroe County Sheriff's Office offers helpful "Holiday Safety Tips."
Have You Served 40 Years?
November 16, 2010
The Florida Sheriffs Association offers a special Honorary Membership to Sheriffs' Office employees with 40 years of service or more.
Three Deputies Shot
October 29, 2010
A domestic violence incident in Escambia County Friday ended with multiple wounded, including three deputies - one of them, Jeremy Cassady, remains in critical condition.
Operation Grim Reaper Nets 22 Sex Offenders
October 21, 2010
The Citrus County Sheriff's Office operation "Grim Reaper" resulted in 22 arrests of sexual predators. Citrus Sheriff Jeff Dawsy warns predators, the operation is "going on the road."
National Teen Driver Safety Week
October 16, 2010
Car crashes remain the number one killer of American teens and in observance of National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 17-23), State Farm and the Florida Sheriffs Association announce a...
Semi-Annual Report on Crime - News is Good
October 12, 2010
According to the 2010 Semi-Annual Uniform Crime Report, crime in Florida is down 4.8 percent from the first half of 2010 over the same period last year. Total violent crime...
FSA Presents Legislative Leadership Awards
September 20, 2010
During 2010 legislative session, there were a number of key legislators that the Sheriffs counted on to ensure a successful session. The Florida Sheriffs Association has identified those legislators who...
LCSO Sgt. Honored for Missing Child Case
September 14, 2010
On Monday, September 13, 2010 Sergeant Larry Folsom was named the 2009-2010 Florida Missing Children’s Day Local Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. This award recognizes a local law enforcement...
FSA 2010 Deputy Sheriff of the Year
August 02, 2010
Orange County Sheriff's Office Deputy Michael Kleinfelt is described as a "very professional, motivated law-enforcement officer." As part of OCSO's mounted patrol unit, in 2009, he made 39 felony arrests,...
2009 FSA Correctional Officer of the Year
February 23, 2010
For nearly 20 years, the Florida Sheriffs Association has been selecting one Corrections professional annually to honor as the Correctional Officer of the Year. It is never an easy job...
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