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FSA Statement on Death of George Floyd and Arrest of Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin

May 29, 2020

“As President of the Florida Sheriffs Association and on behalf of all Florida sheriffs, I offer our sympathies to the family of George Floyd. The Minneapolis police officer used deadly force in a situation where there was no justification. The other officers present should have intervened to stop the officer who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck. These officers’ actions are not representative of sheriff’s deputies in Florida or the law enforcement profession, and the actions are inconsistent with law enforcement policies and training. As leaders, it is imperative that we demand accountability in order to maintain trust in the communities we serve and we stand with others today in seeking that accountability.”

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, FSA President


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Florida Sheriffs Association:

The Florida Sheriffs Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation made up of the Sheriffs of Florida, approximately 3,500 business leaders and 90,000  citizens throughout the state. Founded in 1893, FSA has steadfastly served the citizens of Florida by supporting the needs of the state's law enforcement community. Through the Florida Sheriffs Association, Sheriffs are given a forum to address lawmakers to push for positive changes in Florida’s public safety arena. FSA also provides Sheriffs' Offices much-needed programs such as affordable training, special task forces and legislative and legal services. Dedicated to the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the development of lawful, productive citizens, FSA has established and funded the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches with facilities throughout the state to help restore hope, fulfill dreams, and prepare boys and girls for the future. It has grown to be one of the largest and most successful state law enforcement associations in the nation. For more information on the Florida Sheriffs Association, visit [url=][/url].