FSA Recognizes Gov. Rick Scott’s Efforts to Keep Floridians Safe and to Support Law Enforcement
Florida Sheriffs Association Recognizes Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Efforts to Keep Floridians Safe and to Support Law Enforcement
Today, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) and the 67 Sheriffs of Florida recognized and thanked Governor Rick Scott for his exemplary work and guidance during two recent events. During these two instances, the governor was proactive and placed a priority on smart preparation and ensuring resources where ready ahead of the need.
On October 16, 2017, Governor Scott declared a State of Emergency well prior to the white nationalist Richard Spencer speaking event on the campus of the University of Florida. This executive order gave Sheriff Sadie Darnell of Alachua County, and other key law enforcement partners, the ability to strategically assemble resources to ensure the safety of the public, and a successful outcome. We thank the Governor for supporting Sheriff Darnell and local law enforcement in their preparation for the high-profile, potentially volatile event.
In addition, Governor Rick Scott assisted with coordination, preparation, response, and recovery before, during and after Hurricane Irma. He traveled the state to meet with local officials to ensure communities had all the resources they needed and encouraged the citizens to be fully prepared. His efforts regarding Hurricane Irma demonstrated that Florida leads the nation in proactive preparations, no matter the nature of the incident.
We thank Governor Scott for his continued support for law enforcement as well as his care in bettering the lives of the citizens in this great state.
PHOTO CREDIT: Logan Lewkow, Florida Sheriffs Association
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The Florida Sheriffs Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation made up of Florida’s Sheriffs, approximately 3,500 business leaders and 70,000 citizens throughout the state. Founded in 1893, FSA has steadfastly served the citizens of Florida by supporting the needs of the state's law-enforcement community. Through the Florida Sheriffs Association, Sheriffs are given a forum to address lawmakers to push for positive changes in Florida’s public safety arena. FSA also provides Sheriffs' Offices much-needed programs such as affordable training, special task forces and legislative and legal services. Dedicated to the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the development of lawful, productive citizens, FSA both established and continues to fund the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches with facilities throughout the state to help restore hope, fulfill dreams, and prepare boys and girls for the future. The Florida Sheriffs Association has grown to be one of the largest and most successful state law enforcement associations in the nation. For more information on the Florida Sheriffs Association, visit http://www.flsheriffs.org.