Murder in Macclenny

By David Brand
Law Enforcement Coordinator, Florida Sheriffs Association
The Murders
On or about July 30th, two residents of Macclenny were murdered in their home located in the Steele Bridge Road area. The victims, David “Daniel” Sigers and James Michael “Bo” Thomas, were roommates in an isolated house in North Baker County. Both victims had been shot multiple times.
The victims had a large circle of friends, some of whom were in a local dance band that frequently practiced at the residence. When David Carpenter, a friend of both victims, went to check on them on August 1st, he found the bodies. Mr. Carpenter called 911 resulting in the Baker County Sheriff’s Office responding. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the adjoining Clay County Sheriff’s Office also responded to assist with processing the crime scene.
The first six months of the investigation involved interviewing the persons who frequented the house where the victims’ lived, along with other potential witnesses and dispelling local rumors including local folklore about a Big Foot creature. As the investigation progressed, one of the victim’s family offered a reward along with the local crime stoppers award for information. The Florida Sheriffs Association also added $5,000.00 to the reward for information resulting in an arrest.
Around January 15th, they received what appeared to be a good tip in the case. The Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office assisted in locating Robert Martin Trueblood, age 25, who was subsequently arrested. Trueblood provided information ultimately resulting in the arrest of Whalon Joseph Hannah, age 19, and a 16-year-old juvenile.
Baker County Sheriff’s Office Detective Brad Dougherty, the case officer, related that the families of both victims were very grateful for the successful resolution of this case and could begin to bring closure to this terrible event.
Detective Brad Dougherty
The Florida Sheriffs Association Criminal Apprehension Assistance Program (CAAP)
Created by the sheriffs in 2018, the CAAP is a collaborative partnership between sheriffs and Florida Crime-Stopper organizations. If requested by a sheriff, the CAAP will double the reward amount offered by Crime-Stoppers.
The CAAP Committee is comprised of four sheriffs who provide oversight, review and approval of all applications for funding and the distribution of funds. The current Committee is Sheriff Glenn Kimbrel, Chair, Sheriff Mike Chitwood, Sheriff Billy Woods, and Sheriff Bill Leeper.
Sheriff Glenn Kimbrel
Sheriff Mike Chitwood
Sheriff Billy Woods
Sheriff Bill Leeper
Since 2018, according to Steve Cole, the Florida Sheriffs Association Public Safety Coordinator who facilitates the program, the program has assisted 38 sheriffs with 82 cases by pledging $410,000.00 in reward money. These cases include multiple homicides, missing persons, robberies, shootings and sexual assaults. Currently, $25,000.00 has been paid out in reward money for four homicides and two attempted murders including one attempted murder of a law enforcement officer.
Steve Cole, FSA