Sheriffs Present Legislative Champion Award to Senator Simmons
Seminole County, Fla. (Aug. 15) – Each year, the Florida Sheriffs Association recognizes state legislators who have made significant contributions to criminal justice and public safety through their leadership. During the 2014 legislative session, there were a number of key legislators the Sheriffs counted on to ensure a successful session. Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger and Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson presented Senator David Simmons yesterday with the Legislative Champion Award at his Orlando office for his work during the session to ensure public safety.
“I am honored to have been selected as a Legislative Champion by the Florida Sheriffs Association, which is itself an organization that is a champion for the rights of law-abiding citizens in Florida,” said Senator Simmons.
The Florida Sheriffs Association has identified Florida legislators who gave critical support to Florida’s Sheriffs for bills we supported, as well as who worked through bills of concern and helped us to defeat the bills that were just were not good for Florida.
“Senator Simmons has always opened his door to Florida sheriffs and he is a strong advocate for public safety,” said Sheriff Don Eslinger. “He delves into complex issues and takes a methodical and analytical approach. He is truly an asset to the Senate, to law enforcement, and to the communities we collectively serve.”
“Our county appreciates the outstanding work Senator Simmons is doing to help protect our citizens,” said Sheriff Ben Johnson. “His advocacy and support were instrumental during the legislative session, and we thank him for his longstanding commitment to making our state safer.”
“The Florida Sheriffs Association is honored to recognize Senator Simmons for his tireless work to support Florida’s Sheriffs and all law enforcement across the state,” said Polk County Sheriff and FSA Past President Grady Judd. “FSA applauds our partners in the Capitol for their continued support in protecting all Floridians.”
The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and the Florida Sheriffs Association will continue to work with our state representatives and senators on legislation geared toward keeping the state’s citizens and visitors safe. For more information on the legislative priorities of the Florida Sheriffs Association, please visit