How to Have a Safe College Night Out
Entering college for the first time is an exciting and memorable chapter in many people's lives. It is a period in which you will meet many people and experience various new things, some that may be challenging to deal with.
A night out during your time in college can be a fun and great way to socialize, but it can also come with repercussions if done unsafely. It is very easy to get caught up in the freedom that college brings and the interest in impressing the individuals you meet. Nonetheless, it is vital to consider safety in all instances, particularly if adventuring late at night.
For example, going out in groups and staying with your group, making your own drink and/or watching it at all times, being aware of your surroundings and trusting your instincts are all simple tactics that can help you have a safe night out.
The University of Florida and the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office have shared some of their Party Safety Tips and Personal Safety Tips respectively. They advise college party-goers to:
- Plan before going out and have a code word in case anyone is in trouble.
- Have a designated driver or plan ahead to use alternative transportation (e.g. Uber or Lyft).
- Remember to have your keys for your return and your student ID if living in a dorm.
- Remember it’s okay to stay sober, but if you don’t it is wise to set a limit on the number of drinks you want to have before the party begins.
- Never leave a club or party alone and remember to always implement the buddy system.
- Remember that you can set your own boundaries and don’t fall to peer pressure.
- If on campus, know where and how to use the university [blue light] emergency phones.
- Consider carrying safety devices like canned pepper spray or an alarm system.
For more tips please visit the Florida Sheriffs Association’s Crime Prevention Tips.