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Public Safety Tips

Public Safety Tip: Running Safety Tips for New and Seasoned Runners
As the new year begins, many fitness enthusiasts are lacing up their running shoes with resolutions to get fit, stay healthy and embrace an active lifestyle. Running is an excellent...

Public Safety Tip: Firearm Safety for Families
Responsible firearm ownership is crucial for ensuring the safety of Florida’s families. With a few simple precautions, we can prevent accidents, reduce risks and promote a secure environment. Whether you're...

Public Safety Tip: Holiday Travel Safety for Families
Planning to hit the road or catch a flight this holiday season? Whether you're heading over the river and through the woods to see grandma or embarking on a bigger...

Public Safety Tip: Halloween Safety Tips for Your Family
Halloween is one of the most anticipated nights of the year for both kids and adults—but it also comes with an increased risk of accidents and injuries. According to statistics...

Public Safety Tip: Missing Children Prevention Tips
Missing child prevention begins with child safety discussions and plans. Although child abductions are rare, children can get lost or go missing for many reasons. Here are ways to help...

Public Safety Tip: Domestic Violence Prevention
How pervasive is domestic violence in Florida? According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 38 percent of Florida women and 29 percent of Florida men experience intimate partner dating...

Public Safety Tip: Water Safety and Essential Summer Reminders
As summer heats up in Florida, it's crucial to prioritize heat, sun and water safety to enjoy the season to its fullest. Whether you’re a longtime Florida resident or a...

Public Safety Tip: Increase Home Security with The 9 p.m. Routine
Sometimes, nationwide efforts begin at home, especially in the case of home security. The nightly social media reminders for the 9 p.m. routine started with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office...

Public Safety Tip: Your Hurricane Checklist
As summer approaches, so does the annual arrival of hurricane season, observed from June 1 to November 30. While this time of year can bring anxiety for Florida residents, many...