FSA Offers Free Conference Registration to all Sheriff’s Office Personnel in Florida
Through the support and commitment of the 2020 Annual Partners, the Florida Sheriffs Association is pleased to provide complimentary conference registration at our biggest conference of the year, the 2020 Executive Leadership Conference and Fleet Exposition. This is unprecedented!
The Executive Leadership Conference and Fleet Exhibition is the only Florida Sheriffs Association’s conference that offers essential training for every team member working in the sheriff’s office. The multi-track conference offers sessions for: sheriffs, command staff, finance and human resource personnel, jail administrators, fleet managers, information technology personnel, purchasing agents, executive assistants, as well as, training for teen driver challenge instructors. The conference will be held virtually over a period of three days and will include many opportunities for networking amongst attendees and vendors, such as Exhibit Hall Drawings, a Scavenger Hunt and “Wear and Share Wednesday.”
Attendees and Vendor can register online through the conference website.