Surplus Property Update
Your Florida sheriffs have a long and storied history of assisting each other. This can involve crossing jurisdictional lines for long-term criminal investigations or sharing assets to achieve a common purpose.
Recently, Osceola County Sheriff Marcos R. Lopez donated 25 used, surplus vehicle cameras. 14 units were shared with Liberty County Sheriff Buddy Money, and 11 units were shared with Holmes County Sheriff John Tate. The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office has donated various Special Ops and Marine Gear items. These were all claimed and sent to Holmes County Sheriff’s Office. Additionally, instead of trading in two off-shore boats that were reaching the end of their service life, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri chose to share them with sheriffs that were responsible for patrolling the coastline.
Being sovereign, and responsible directly to the citizens that they proudly serve, your sheriffs make these decisions after assessing the needs of their own counties and share resources for the collective good of all Florida.