Florida Crime Rate Drops for Record 50th Year
The 2020 Uniform Crime Report was released, and Florida’s crime rate declined for a record 50th straight year. Last year, the crime rate in Florida fell by 15.7 percent. The report also shows a 14.1 percent decrease of total index crimes, with 76,523 fewer reported offenses compared to 2019.
Sheriffs and their law enforcement partners work hard every day to keep our communities safe. They have been able to achieve this record feat by having the necessary tools to reduce crime. These include well-trained deputies and support staff, use of new technology as well as strong sentencing laws passed over the years by our State Legislature.
One of the most important laws is Florida’s Truth in Sentencing law, which ensures all criminals must serve at lease 85% of their sentence before they are eligible to be releases. Research has shown this to be sound public policy and has aided Florida in its effort to reach a 50-year low in its crime rate.