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Ways to Give



With your donation to our educational and cooperative programs, you help us provide training, technical expertise and assistance to sheriffs’ offices throughout the state. Your contribution also supports the youth in our state through the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, the Teen Driver Challenge, and the Florida Sheriffs Explorers Association.

Your donation can be earmarked for any of these special programs created to meet specific needs in our state – or you can simply designate it to go wherever it’s needed the most.

Your online donation is always secure, and your information remains confidential. 100% of your donation is tax-deductible.

Important Note: Donating to one of these programs will not renew your membership. If you want to join or renew your membership click below.

Deputy with thumbs up

Where It's Needed Most

  • Make an unrestricted gift to the FSA – we’ll make sure it goes to the program that needs funding the most.
  • Having these undesignated funds provides us flexibility in meeting our programmatic needs and investing across other lanes of the organization.
Officer holding k9

Bulletproof Vest Grant Program

  • For the fiscal year 2021-2022, FSA disbursed over $320,000 to financially constrained counties through our BPV Grant Program. In total, FSA helped provide 400 vests for deputies and K-9s.
  • These bulletproof vests provide crucial protection for our law enforcement officers across the state of Florida, including SWAT members and correctional officers as well as K-9s.
  • Vests for deputies and K-9s can vary in price from $850 – $1200 each.
child in police car with radio

Florida Sheriffs Youth Learning Center

  • The Florida Sheriffs Association plans to build the Florida Sheriffs Youth Learning Center as a place to preserve the history of the Office of Sheriff in Florida, which spans over two centuries.
  • It will also serve as an educational space for children to learn about law enforcement traditions and career opportunities through interactive displays, hands-on activities, and more.
FSA Scholarship recipient

FSA Youth Scholarships

  • FSA offers 2 categories of scholarships to eligible dependent children of full-time sheriff’s office employees.
  • Since 1993, the general FSA Scholarships are for students wanting to follow in their parent’s footsteps and are studying for a career in law enforcement, corrections, or another criminal justice field.
  • The FSA STEM Scholarships are for students planning to pursue a career in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) related field.
  • In 2022, FSA awarded 25 scholarships to deserving youth across the state of Florida.
officers and instructors in front of a building

Teen Driver Challenge

  • The FSA’s Teen Driver Challenge (TDC) was created in 2007 to address the primary factors affecting teen drivers – speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, texting while driving and distracted driving.
  • The program is offered at no cost to teen drivers in 39 counties across the state and led by sheriffs’ deputies licensed as commercial driving school instructors.
  • More than 2,000 students participate in a TDC course each year – aiming to reduce their chances of being in an automobile crash.
Explorers doing group activities

Florida Sheriffs Explorers

  • Established in the 1960s, FSEA attracts motivated youth interested in a law enforcement career.
  • In this program young adults ages 14 to 21 can be associated with a sheriff’s office, train and learn about the profession to determine if it is the right career track for them.
  • Explorers receive training in the basics of law enforcement including, traffic control, report writing and radio procedures.
students at donald ralph cooke school

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches

  • Since 1957, Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches has been dedicated to preventing juvenile crime and delinquency by guiding youngsters in how to lead productive lives as law-abiding citizens.
  • More than 100,000 youths served to date.
  • The FSYR operates four residential campuses, two summer camping locations and youth outreach programs throughout the state.
In loving memory sign on top of rose floral arrangement at FSA Memorial ceremony

Law Enforcement Memorial

  • Established in 2002, the FSA Law Enforcement Memorial honors all Florida sheriffs and deputies killed in the line of duty.
  • Each spring, names are added to the memorial wall during our annual ceremony at FSA headquarters in Tallahassee, FL.
Group of sheriffs at memorial

Lend A Hand

  • This program was developed in 2009 with the intent of helping law enforcement personnel in their greatest time of need.
  • In a partnership with Florida Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (FDSA), the Lend A Hand Program Fund provides immediate monetary resources to deputies and their families experiencing a crisis. It may be someone whose child needs special medical care, someone who needs an organ transplant, someone who lost their home in a fire, or the passing of a deputy while serving their community.
  • Regardless of the reason, we take great pride in supporting FDSA’s brave men and women who serve us.
shared assets

Shared Asset Grant Program

The sharing of resources enhances sheriffs’ abilities to respond to the needs of their communities as well as their neighboring sheriffs when in need. The program provides funds for assets that can be shared regionally, such as boats, utility terrain vehicles, drones, and speed trailers.

Three Sixteen Donation to FL Sheriff's Association

FSA General Endowment

  • An endowment gift is a donation that is given with the intent to preserve the original value of the gift, and to grow it over time. The funds are held in perpetuity and invested, and the accumulated appreciation and income on the investment is used to fund an annual distribution that helps the organization meet its mission.
  • Investing in the future of an organization is the ultimate gift and guarantees that, in a way, the donor’s gift will continue to provide meaningful influence even after their passing. Endowment gifts are a great way to honor someone special or to mark the memory of a special occasion. For example, you can make a gift to honor the memory of a loved one who has passed away or honor a special occasion such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or holiday.
  • The FSA General Endowment fund was established as a giving option for those looking toward the future, and the earnings on this perpetual investment fund can be used in the areas of most need in the organization.