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FSA Recognizes AG and Cabinet

Florida Sheriffs Association President Harrell Reid presents a proclamation to Florida Attorney General and Cabinet.

Juv. Delinquency At Record Low

The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice says delinquency rate has fallen.

Monroe Sheriff’s Office - Holiday Safety Tips

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office offers helpful "Holiday Safety Tips."

Have You Served 40 Years?

The Florida Sheriffs Association offers a special Honorary Membership to Sheriffs' Office employees with 40 years of service or more.

Three Deputies Shot

A domestic violence incident in Escambia County Friday ended with multiple wounded, including three deputies - one of them, Jeremy Cassady, remains in critical condition.

Operation Grim Reaper Nets 22 Sex Offenders

The Citrus County Sheriff's Office operation "Grim Reaper" resulted in 22 arrests of sexual predators. Citrus Sheriff Jeff Dawsy warns predators, the operation is "going on the road."

National Teen Driver Safety Week

Car crashes remain the number one killer of American teens and in observance of National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 17-23), State Farm and the Florida Sheriffs Association announce a...

Semi-Annual Report on Crime - News is Good

According to the 2010 Semi-Annual Uniform Crime Report, crime in Florida is down 4.8 percent from the first half of 2010 over the same period last year. Total violent crime...

FSA Presents Legislative Leadership Awards

During 2010 legislative session, there were a number of key legislators that the Sheriffs counted on to ensure a successful session. The Florida Sheriffs Association has identified those legislators who...
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