how we serve
The Florida Model Jail Standards (FMJS) are minimum standards which jails across Florida must meet to ensure the constitutional rights of those incarcerated are upheld. Prior to 1996, the Florida Department of Corrections was responsible for the standards and inspection process for local county jails. Legislation was passed in 1996 that gave the authority of inspections to the local level. This change required the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties to appoint individuals to serve on a Commission that would govern standards that local jails must comply with.
Jail Inspectors and Jail Medical Inspectors must be certified in order to conduct inspections.
Recertification for inspectors must be completed every four years.
FMJS Jail and Medical Certifications are valid until December 31 of the fourth certification anniversary date. Each FMJS Jail and Medical Inspector must complete an eight-hour Refresher/Recertification Class. Successful completion of the eight-hour refresher course includes a test at the end of the course. You must achieve a score of 80% or better to pass the recertification course.
The Jail Inspector’s course is a five-day course, taught by members of the FMJS Training Sub-committee. The class combines classroom activities and hands-on learning that may require several hours of walking.
This course covers:
Locations are currently being considered for Basic Certification courses for Jail Inspector. If you would like one in your area, please contact our team.
To become a FMJS Certified Jail Inspector, you must successfully complete the FMJS Inspector Certification Course and be recognized by the FMJS Committee to conduct correctional operations inspections. The certification is valid for four years. All FMJS inspectors are required to successfully complete an eight-hour (8) re-certification course every four years in order to maintain the certification.
A candidate must have the following minimum qualifications:
The Jail Medical Inspector’s Course is a three-day course taught by members of the FMJS Medical subcommittee. The curriculum covers:
Locations are currently being considered for the Jail Medical Inspector Certification courses. If you would like one in your area, please contact our team.
To become a FMJS Certified Jail Medical Inspector, you must successfully complete the FMJS Medical Inspector Certification Course and be recognized by the FMJS Committee to conduct medical compliance inspections. The certification is valid for four years. All FMJS medical inspectors are required to successfully complete an eight-hour recertification course every four years in order to maintain the certification.
A candidate must have the following minimum qualifications:
Florida Model Jail Standards Working Group Public Notice February 2025
Florida Model Jail Standards Working Group Public Notice October 2024
Effective as of 1/1/2025
Effective as of 1/1/2025
Effective 1/1/2025
Effective as of 1/1/2025
Effective as of 1/1/2025
Effective as of 1/1/2025
Effective as of 1/1/2025
Training, Inspections, Related Resources and More
Submit suggested changes to the Florida Model Jail Standard team by using the FMJS Revision Form link. These recommendations are reviewed with staff, the working group, and FMJS committees for consideration.
Annual FMJS Inspector of the Year and Team Leader of the Year Award Nominations:
Each year we honor members of the FMJS community by presenting awards to deserving individuals who ensure and maintain the integrity of the FMJS process. This is a great opportunity to recognize the exceptional work FMJS professionals do around the state. We encourage you to get your nominations in as soon as possible; the deadline for nominations is January 1 annually.
Eligibility Criteria:
Selection Criteria:
Actively participates in yearly inspections, actively participates in inspections as Team Leader, and provides agency assistance. The Inspector nomination form must carry the endorsement of the administrator of the agency in which the inspector is currently employed. Inspector demonstrates exceptional knowledge and assistance to the agency being inspected.
Eligibility Criteria:
Selection Criteria:
Actively participates in yearly inspections, actively participates in inspections as Team Leader, and provide agency assistance. The Inspector nomination form must carry the endorsement of the administrator of the agency in which the inspector is currently employed. Demonstrates exceptional knowledge and assistance to the agency being inspected.
Eligibility Criteria:
Selection Criteria:
Actively participates in yearly inspections, actively participates in inspections as Team Leader, and provide agency assistance. The Inspector nomination form must carry the endorsement of the administrator of the agency in which the inspector is currently employed. Team Leader demonstrates exceptional knowledge and assistance to the agency being inspected. Coordinates the inspection with the assigned team members and demonstrates exceptional leadership skills.
Eligibility Criteria:
Selection Criteria:
Actively participates in the process, for outstanding achievement, innovation, creativity, and smart work that measurably increases the FMJS program efficiency, or furthers the FMJS goals. The nomination must carry the endorsement of the sheriff or county administrator of the agency in which the individual is employed.
Select the most deserving individual to receive the awards based on the information provided by the nominating committees.
The Chairman of the FMJS Commission will prepare a memorandum and mail to each Sheriff and Jail Administrator notifying them of the nomination process for the FMJS Awards. This memorandum will be mailed no later than December 1 of each year.
Submissions will need to be submitted to the nominating committee no later than January 30 of each year. Awards will be presented at the Executive Leadership Conference.