Public Safety Tip: Running Safety Tips for New and Seasoned Runners
As the new year begins, many fitness enthusiasts are lacing up their running shoes with resolutions to get fit, stay healthy and embrace an active lifestyle. Running is an excellent way to boost your physical and mental well-being, but safety should always be a priority, whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out. From staying in well-lit areas to being aware of your surroundings, there are simple yet effective practices to ensure your running safety while achieving your fitness goals.
Running Safety During the Day
According to the Florida Daily, the Sunshine State ranks as the best place to go running in America. As one of the flattest states, it’s easy to find running routes for every fitness level.
While our state provides for a great running experience, personal safety should be on the minds of all the road warriors. Well-established running resources, Runner’s World and the Road Runners Club of America, offer valuable daytime running tips to help you stay visible, avoid hazards and enjoy a safer workout.
Have a Plan
- Plan your routes with safety in mind, choosing familiar areas that allow you to adjust your path if needed.
- Vary your routes so your routine is not too predictable when running alone.
Stay Aware
- While running, always be alert and aware of your surroundings
- Be smart about headphone use by keeping the volume low enough that you can maintain awareness of your surroundings.
- Stay vigilant in remote areas such as parks with trails.
Go With Your Gut
- Trust your intuition, and if something doesn’t feel right then you may be in danger.
- Avoid a person or area if it feels unsafe.
Remember These Essentials
- When running, there is safety in numbers.
- Always carry your cell phone and ID.
- Let someone know your route and what time you expect to return.
- Find apps that can safely track your run or use wearable technology to keep you safe.
Be Street Smart
- Be visible by wearing bright colors.
- Run facing oncoming traffic and follow all traffic signals.
- When available, always run on sidewalks.
- Never assume a driver will prioritize your safety. Drivers can be distracted, and you may not be their first concern.
- Look both ways before crossing an intersection/crosswalk and make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you.
Be Ready to Defend Yourself
- Improve your safety and confidence with self-defense training, where you’ll learn how to protect yourself and effectively escape from an attacker.
- Carry pepper spray or a safety alarm if running in isolated areas.
- If something happens to you or someone else, get to safety. Try to record a situation if you need evidence and do so only when you are out of harm’s way.
Additional Considerations for Running at Night
The fall time change brings darkness earlier, increasing the likelihood of running in low-light conditions for many Floridians. While all the tips above apply to nighttime running, here are some additional considerations:
- Be highly visible in the dark by wearing reflective clothing or LED-lighted gear.
- Avoid unlit areas, especially at night, and run clear of bushes or parked cars.
- If you’re running in the dark by yourself or if you don’t feel safe on the streets or sidewalks, find a well-lit parking lot or track to run.
- Drive your planned nighttime running route during the day to familiarize yourself with the area and assess its safety.
Here to Protect the Citizens of Florida
Remember these running safety tips to ensure that your exercise routine is safe and enjoyable. Stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself and your loved ones. Sign up for your local sheriff’s office updates, and don’t hesitate to call 911 if you see someone in distress. The Florida Sheriffs Association is committed to helping you stay informed and safe. You can read our monthly public safety tips here.